2000-09-28 01:45:29尚未設定

Confucius Day

Thousands of years ago, a saint, named Confucius was born in Charly’s original family hometown, Shan Dong. Actually, I don’t know too much about him. People said he is a great teacher, roaming every country with his loyal students. Giving people lessons, Confucius won the respect from people around. And he won his reputation in the history too. But to me, teacher is simply a noun.

Charly recalls a damn good deal of teachers in his life. Some, of course, are good, while some are not even worth mentioning.

When Charly was a high school student, he acted as the gangster of those little bastards. Nothing of the home work or the exams he cared about. When in class, Charly would feel tired and dozed off because he played MahJong all night without sleeping. When after school, Charly would follow his pals to spend time fooling around in the pool hall.

There was one time, a classmate, not knowing how deep himself is, pissed Charly off by not lending him a Chinese writing brush in an art class. “You really don’t want to lend me the pen?” said Charly. Suddenly the classmate grabbed Charly’s collar saying “No, I don’t want to. Who do you think you are to make me do so?” After nodding the head, Charly walked away without speaking one more word. Charly knew that this classmate would be hit badly after school. Even Charly’s class tutor, Ming-Cang Jiang, wasn’t able to stop him and his gangster pals after knowing this case. “Don’t hit him too hard,” said Charly’s teacher, “You just want to let out your unhappy feeling and make it easier for your friends. Try not to make it a big deal, ok?”

Charly’s class tutor talked to him a lot, like a friend, whenever he is available. Sometimes he would treat Charly breakfasts, because he always knew that Charly often doesn’t have a dime for it. Charly lost lots of money on gamblings.

One thousand dollars, for more than 12 god damned years that Charly has owed his teacher since one day his teacher took out 1000 bucks from his pocket saying, “I know you are broke. You need money to eat something.” His teacher didn’t even mention the gambling that Charly was involved in. 1000, in that age, was more than one week’s pocket money given by Charly’s father. It was precious, especially when Charly lived in the small room, shared by 3 students, away from home.
Teacher should be thanked. However, Charly would not like to keep the craps here on Confucius day. You guys also know those shit would arouse people’s goose bumps. But I guess Charly’s not gonna forget that teacher, ever.

To me, teacher will always simply be a noun, I think. Not to mention those GTOs you guys have met in reality. Meow~~