2010-08-18 23:46:16脆肉鯇

Life is short


“Why you look so sad? You’re pretty when you smile, you know? Life is short! The average of human life is around 70 or 80…so, we will die for a long time. Don’t be sad, smile! okay?”像平時命令我工作那樣,四老闆用毫不溫柔的語氣說完上述那番話沒有忘記加命令語句。因為他給的工作,我做到苦口苦臉,我心想:就因為Life is short而同時要打你份工才無耐,神又係你鬼又係你。




雖然,四老闆的生活並不值得我效法,他明白人生苦短”(Life is short)之後更努力去追求的或許就是煙、酒、足球、錢和女人。我明白人生苦短之後要更積極面對我的工作和職份,而且要快快樂樂地過活,好對得起厚賜百物予我的上帝和所有愛護我的人。


唉,Life is short,又一日啦!




DK 2011-01-16 06:46:07

Hi dear!

Been so long since I got to stop by, been busy trying to catch up with the 'short' life.

I believe that life is indeed quite short, but definitely filled with surprise, just like the one you mentioned here. By connecting those dots together, it creates the unique trace and web of our life and make it interesting and meaningful. The shortness of life makes life more meaningful, doesn't it?

Add Oil and I agree that you look much better with a smile.

Best Wishes!

thank you, i remeber what you teach me is POSITIVE! 2011-01-21 10:12:03