Have you bought the lace handerchief in Burano? it is very famous and beautiful, but some is made in Asia countries.
Yup, I went there as well. But I just stayed there for a while, seeing the process of making a glass horse.
在Burano,所有的房子都是彩色繽紛。運河變成了私人碼頭,每戶門前都停泊了自己的小船。印象很深刻。 Btw, have you been to Murano?
青山綠水是詩滿樹青翠是畫意孤挺花禪姿風骨更是感情象徵內心激起一股澎湃浪潮迎接春天的 到來 擁有豐沛的綠意遂有了世外桃源的驚喜
省到水電:Bal b/f TW$26,645+TW$365=TW$27,010 Bal c/f
Have you bought the lace handerchief in Burano? it is very famous and beautiful, but some is made in Asia countries.