2004-08-02 01:02:32Sheep

我是實習醫生 5th Week -- 灰暗日子

5th week

預先寫下一部份case summary
原以為可以應付hepatobiliary team 忙碌的工作
but it turned out to be the worst of my intership up to now

1.1 真的不喜歡Paediatric Surgery. It ruined my internship. 教我這個亳無兒科抽血經驗的新丁怎去抽一個BB 的血? 更何況是去set drip?....Luckily, 有Dr Clarke出手相助; but unfortunately, 我忘記了貼gum label for her type and screen. "WARD INCIDENCE"--that's what they said. Anyway, 很感謝paediatric 的houseman的幫忙--雪中送炭就是如此.
[那些略有學識的媽媽可怕得很-- 盡管駡吧, 我會習慣的--現在的BB 都很矜貴呢.]

1.2 同一個BB, post-op iv antibiotic: 希望以後Dr Clarke 會有明確的指示: drug name, dosage, frequency, pls.... Gentamycin NOT 70mg q8h! It should be 70mg daily. God, damn it! Another ward incidence?! Another time-consuming/ time-wasting explanation, explanation, explanation.....無休, 無止.

2.1 On-call night: one-year-old boy, fell from bed of 1m height, head injury. Dr Wong 收了症, 只留下一樣功課--set drip for CT brain. 又一咀咒! 自己試了兩針, Mathew又試了兩針, 幸好BB 的父母都體諒我們--> Dr Wong 再次親自動手. Thanks.

2.2 BB 很可愛, 也很可怕-- 對diazepam 沒多大反應, not sleepy at all! 在CT房呆了一個小時, 不得不護送BB 回病房.

3. 功課堆積如山, really grateful to colleagues' help-- esp. Priscilla, 敬新.

4. 見識到什麼呢? The use of rigid sigmoidoscope. Bedside USG abdomen. 見識到自己於手術後在手術室脫下帽子, 當場被笑的醜態; 見識到自己匆忙離開手術室, 跑回病房, 才發現自己還穿著手術室的鞋子[水鞋]--狼狽不堪的樣子

5. Patients to be remember:
- F4-->F5 student, 15-year-old abdominal pain. AXR needed to be taken, 她告訴我there would be no chance of pregnancy. But Dr Wong wrote down that she is sexually active

- old lady with AROU, [A&E misdiagnosed as abd pain], distended urinary bladder --> USG confirmed my dx --> urinary cath. four times by nurses --> failed --> Urology took over the case --> Flexible cystoscopy done with urinary cath. [她記得我姓袁呢, haha]

- old lady from old age home, on long term Foley, complained of abdominal pain. 另一patient 告訴我, 婆婆住院期間不繼要求護士致電其家人, 渴求家人的關心與探望. 眼見tears in her eyes. 簡易一句:" 婆婆, 他們工作很忙, 沒空探望你嘛. 我們會照顧你呢." 老婆婆笑了.

- lady in her 30s, tourist from Beijing, married, fluent in English, developed acute abdominal pain on her way to aeroplane. Suspected acute appendicitis. 親友緊張得要命, [當時I was struggling with the BB's drip setting] 護士成了受害者. 我不能show up, on-call MO was not available either. 良久, saw the patient--?acute appendicitis. Suggesting she stay for observation. To go or to stay? Discharge against medical advice? Strongly demanded 消炎藥!-- God, she was really troublesome. But if I were her, I probably would do the same. 最後, 還是stay for observation. 第二天早上為她took some "extra" blood, she calmed down and talked to me -- guessing that I was only 23, haha.

- a little boy with abdominal pain, AXR showed faecal loaded bowel, glycerine suppository given, inadequate fluid intake, mildly improved, but still had on and off pain. Parents kept on asking for what we could do for him. To be honest, I could do nothing more than observation.

5th week
繼續on-call, 繼續no sleep.
三十多小時--from 7am to the next days 7pm: no sleep, no meal; only sips of water. 護士from different wards 不停地call, with dissatisfaction, with hatred.
很多時會想: Is this career suitable for me? is this the life I am pursuing?
But whenever you hear a patient's simple word "thank you", or whenever you know that a patient can remember your first name --> you will....

PS: 留意到大家到對"灰暗日子"感興趣, 然而, 這篇章充斥大量英文/術語, 徒增讀者閱讀之苦. 往後文章會盡量少用英文/術語, 希望大家繼續"收看"