2004-11-05 21:35:38Dr. Phi

10 Good Things About Getting Older

10. It gives you the perfect excuse to forget things.
9. You know lots of good stories to tell.
8. Each story can be told many times, whether anyone wants to hear it or not.
7. The view is better once you're over the hill.
6. You can amaze your friends with obscure facts preceded by " I remember when ....."
5. You can take bets on which part of your body with conk out next.
4. Your kids finally grow up and move out ( if you are lucky)
3. Nodding off at inappropriate times is considered quaint rather than rude.
2. Creative use of a hearing aid allows you to hear only what you really want to.

And the best thing about getting order...
1. Every birthday you give people another chance to make a big fuss over you and say things like. " How great you look!" (For an old person. )