2019-04-24 06:24:00drnpbxnp5hzv

【熱銷產品】Babyzen Infant Car Seat iZi Go Modular by BeSafe 送禮比價

這幾天小光來我家玩,看到Babyzen Infant Car Seat iZi Go Modular by BeSafe


急性子的小光卻要我馬上陪他去買Babyzen Infant Car Seat iZi Go Modular by BeSafe


雖然懶惰,但精打細算的我還是查了一下Babyzen Infant Car Seat iZi Go Modular by BeSafe



Babyzen Infant Car Seat iZi Go Modular by BeSafe










Babyzen Infant Car Seat iZi Go Modular by BeSafe 設計式樣: grau/grey · 2019

The stylistically confident solution for transporting your little sunshine easily and safely. A combination of French Babyzen Design and Scandinavian BeSafe safety brings out the main points of this trendy infant car seat.

No matter if you travel by car, cab or have somebody else giving you a lift - after your ride you can easily transfer the BeSafe iZi Go Modular to the YOYO+ pram with only two clicks and without removing the textile set. You can move freely while your little one sleeps restfully. A super practical travel system!

The BeSafe infant car seat iZi Go Modular i-Size is suitable for children from 40 cm to 75 cm in height and supplies them with maximum safety and comfort. The optimised safety standards according to the i-Size norm guarantee increased protection of baby's head and neck while providing extra high side impact protection at the same time. The two-part seat insert adapts perfectly to your little one's current stage of development.

The BeSafe infant car seat iZi Go Modular i-Size can be attached to your car by either using the Isofix base (not included in delivery!) or your car's own seat belt. If the infant car seat is used in combination with the BeSafe iZi Modular i-Size base, the base is to be attached to the Isofix hooks in your car - this way, a frim and steady connection of the car seat with the body of the car is provided. The infant car seat can be attached to and released from the base with only one click.

A padded five-point harness supplies your child with maximum protection while traveling in this car seat. Thanks to the synergy of EPS and foam in combination with soft padding your little passenger is provided with perfect comfort and safety. The sun canopy comes with UVP 50+ and protects your little one from direct sunlight and cold wind. The BeSafe infant car seat iZi Go Modular i-Size features a special ergonomic roll-over bar which makes it particularly easy to carry. A magnetic belt assistant helps you to put your baby into the car seat without having the belts in the way.

After a trip in your car you can easily transfer the infant car seat to your YOYO+. The matching adaptors are included in delivery. In order to mark the togetherness of babyzen's products, the infant car seat is equipped with the particularly soft and smooth Babyzen fabrics which add some more oomph and incomparable comfort to travelling in this chic and trendy car seat. The BeSafe iZi Go Modular is available in the colours black and grey so that they match the colours of your YOYO+ perfectly.


  • Group 0+

  • 送禮比價
  • Suitable for a height of 40 to 75 cm/ from birth up to approx. 12 months

  • Conforms to the norm R129 (i-Size)
  • 人氣產品2018流行商品

  • Rear-facing driving mode

  • Including adaptors for YOYO+

  • Attachment via BeSafe Isofix Base (not included in delivery!) or car's own seat belt

  • Five-point harness, ergonomic roll-over bar, sun canopy with UVP 50+, magnetic belt assistant

  • Cover: Babyzen fabrics - soft and smooth, removable, washable




Babyzen Infant Car Seat iZi Go Modular by BeSafe






「跑步、划船、TRX」尬一起 間歇拚「後燃效應」

MLB》馬林魚單局被海灌11分 15年前狂失14分也是紅襪傑作

波士頓紅襪自從上場對邁阿密馬林魚的比賽終止3連敗後,球隊士氣總算止跌回升,而今日系列賽的第2戰紅襪機關槍打線終於噴發,7局下紅襪光是在這一局便一口氣打了15個棒次,並海灌11分大局,逼得馬林魚花了4位投手才結束掉這一局,儘管8局上馬林魚試圖振作,靠著左外野手狄恩(Austin Dean)敲出陽春砲追回一分,無奈大局已定終場紅襪14-6馬林魚收下勝利。


不過本場比賽紅襪這邊出現了隱憂,那就是普萊斯(David Price)在3局上面對狄恩時,不慎被狄恩所擊出的平飛球打中左手腕,雖然看似並無大礙,但紅襪球團為保護普萊斯,還是決定讓普萊斯提早退場,4局上更換投手維拉茲奎茲(Hector Velázquez)接替,普萊斯賽後接受訪問時也表示,沒有大礙不會影響下次登板時間。(見上影音)

普萊斯無疑是本季紅襪表現最好的投手,他在今日比賽前6場比賽裡先發拿下4勝0敗戰績,並在那段時間將自己防禦率降至1.09,儘管普萊斯在這場比賽裡因左手腕受傷僅投3局被敲5支安打失3分(全是自責分)提早離場,且離場時還因為分數落後馬林魚而無緣拿下自己本季第15勝,但綜觀普萊斯整季的表現,說他是現今紅襪的王牌投手也絕對當之無愧,也難怪賽後紅襪紅襪教頭科拉(Alex Cora)講到普萊斯的傷勢時,表情會是如此凝重。


(推薦閱讀:MLB》馬蒂尼擺脫失誤陰影 一棒終止太空人六連勝)

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Babyzen Infant Car Seat iZi Go Modular by BeSafe

推薦, Babyzen Infant Car Seat iZi Go Modular by BeSafe

討論, Babyzen Infant Car Seat iZi Go Modular by BeSafe

部落客, Babyzen Infant Car Seat iZi Go Modular by BeSafe

比較評比, Babyzen Infant Car Seat iZi Go Modular by BeSafe

使用評比, Babyzen Infant Car Seat iZi Go Modular by BeSafe

開箱文, Babyzen Infant Car Seat iZi Go Modular by BeSafe

?推薦, Babyzen Infant Car Seat iZi Go Modular by BeSafe

評測文, Babyzen Infant Car Seat iZi Go Modular by BeSafe

CP值, Babyzen Infant Car Seat iZi Go Modular by BeSafe

評鑑大隊, Babyzen Infant Car Seat iZi Go Modular by BeSafe

部落客推薦, Babyzen Infant Car Seat iZi Go Modular by BeSafe

好用嗎?, Babyzen Infant Car Seat iZi Go Modular by BeSafe
