2006-04-21 16:09:49Gloria
When Ľubica Karpatyová married a Spiš native in whose family it was a custom to eat the sweet vianočka along with Christmas cabbage soup, she had to learn how to bake it. She found the recipe in what is today an almost 30-year-old book, and has been baking it accordingly ever since. Here it is:
600 grams half-thick flour (polohrubá múka)
120 grams baking fat (Hera)
100 grams icing sugar
30 grams yeast (droždie)
4 eggs
20 grams raisins (soaked)
0.4 litre milk
3 small spoons of sugar
grated lemon peel
When Ľubica Karpatyová married a Spiš native in whose family it was a custom to eat the sweet vianočka along with Christmas cabbage soup, she had to learn how to bake it. She found the recipe in what is today an almost 30-year-old book, and has been baking it accordingly ever since. Here it is:
600 grams half-thick flour (polohrubá múka)
120 grams baking fat (Hera)
100 grams icing sugar
30 grams yeast (droždie)
4 eggs
20 grams raisins (soaked)
0.4 litre milk
3 small spoons of sugar
grated lemon peel
Warm up the milk to body temperature, and add three small spoons of sugar, and pinches of yeast. Let the yeast rise to the top. Pour it into a mixture of the flour, Hera, icing sugar, three egg yolks (keep the whites for later), raisins, salt, and grated lemon peel. Make the dough harder and thicker (beat it by hand or mix it in a mixer for 30 minutes). Sprinkle flour on the top (so it does not dry out) and let it rise on a warm place. Put the dough on a board and divide it into eight equal parts.
Braid the first four rolls together in a flat braid (Pic 1). Put the braid on a greased baking pan and brush beaten egg whites over it. Then braid three rolls together, put them on the four-roll base, and coat them with egg white (Pic 2). Cut the last roll into two pieces, roll them thin, braid together, and put the braid on the top. Press the braids together at their ends, and brush beaten egg over the whole vianočka. Let it rest while preheating the oven. First bake it at a high temperature until it forms a brownish coat (around 20 minutes), and then continue at a lower temperature so it gets baked from the inside. Check it with a skewer - when the dough stops sticking to it, it is ready.
Bobaľky / Pupáky s makom
Called bobaľky in Slovakia's east and pupáky in the country's north and west, this dish is begun a week before Christmas. Bake the small dough pieces first, leaving them to cool and harden until Christmas, when they are served scalded with hot water or milk. Some eat them at the end of Christmas dinner, some after the wafer starter. Some add butter or oil, but the tradition preserved by Helena Tkáčová from the east does neither. Here is her recipe:
1000 grams half-thick flour (polohrubá múka)
0.5 - 0.7 litre milk
1 egg
40 grams yeast
1 litre water
ground poppy seeds
Mix the yeast with 0.1 litre of lukewarm milk, a tablespoon of sugar and flour. Leave it to sour for a while. Pour it into the flour, add egg, salt, and gradually add milk. Make smooth, thick dough (it is ready when it stops sticking to your hands). Let it rise in a warm place. Put the dough on a board and make a roll the width of the board. Cut the roll into pieces. Hand-roll the pieces into rolls with a diameter of 1 to 1.5 centimetres. Cut these again into 1 to 1.5-centimetre pieces - the bobaľky. Lay them on a greased baking pan so they do not touch each other, as they will rise in the oven. Bake them at the highest temperature for around 15 minutes (when breaking them the dough inside cannot be raw). Take them out of the oven, dump into a bowl and cover with a cloth. Let them cool and harden until Christmas.
On Christmas, gradually pour one litre of boiling water with three tablespoons of sugar on the dried bobaľky. First, let them soak in a smaller amount of water. Add water until they are soft, but not too sodden. Sprinkle with ground poppy seeds, and add honey.
poppy seed就是罌粟花的子..聽說大人都會買罌粟花子麵包來給吵鬧小孩子吃..小孩吃了就會乖乖去睡覺..還不錯吃..
Called bobaľky in Slovakia's east and pupáky in the country's north and west, this dish is begun a week before Christmas. Bake the small dough pieces first, leaving them to cool and harden until Christmas, when they are served scalded with hot water or milk. Some eat them at the end of Christmas dinner, some after the wafer starter. Some add butter or oil, but the tradition preserved by Helena Tkáčová from the east does neither. Here is her recipe:
1000 grams half-thick flour (polohrubá múka)
0.5 - 0.7 litre milk
1 egg
40 grams yeast
1 litre water
ground poppy seeds
Mix the yeast with 0.1 litre of lukewarm milk, a tablespoon of sugar and flour. Leave it to sour for a while. Pour it into the flour, add egg, salt, and gradually add milk. Make smooth, thick dough (it is ready when it stops sticking to your hands). Let it rise in a warm place. Put the dough on a board and make a roll the width of the board. Cut the roll into pieces. Hand-roll the pieces into rolls with a diameter of 1 to 1.5 centimetres. Cut these again into 1 to 1.5-centimetre pieces - the bobaľky. Lay them on a greased baking pan so they do not touch each other, as they will rise in the oven. Bake them at the highest temperature for around 15 minutes (when breaking them the dough inside cannot be raw). Take them out of the oven, dump into a bowl and cover with a cloth. Let them cool and harden until Christmas.
On Christmas, gradually pour one litre of boiling water with three tablespoons of sugar on the dried bobaľky. First, let them soak in a smaller amount of water. Add water until they are soft, but not too sodden. Sprinkle with ground poppy seeds, and add honey.
poppy seed就是罌粟花的子..聽說大人都會買罌粟花子麵包來給吵鬧小孩子吃..小孩吃了就會乖乖去睡覺..還不錯吃..
Various cakes
Kokosové guľky
2 250-gram packages BB chocolate pudding4 tbsp sugar
125 grams butter
4-5 tbsp icing sugar
1 package vanilla sugar
200 grams coconut powder
100 chopped walnuts
0.05 - 0.15 litre
canned fruit (pineapple or cherry)
Drown the sponge cakes in milk, let them soak. Add the other ingredients (only about 50 grams of coconut powder though), apart from the canned fruit, and mix it together. Form little balls with a cherry or a piece of pineapple inside, covering them in coconut powder.
這道看起來比較簡單..改天來試試 ^_^
Kokosové guľky
2 250-gram packages BB chocolate pudding4 tbsp sugar
125 grams butter
4-5 tbsp icing sugar
1 package vanilla sugar
200 grams coconut powder
100 chopped walnuts
0.05 - 0.15 litre
canned fruit (pineapple or cherry)
Drown the sponge cakes in milk, let them soak. Add the other ingredients (only about 50 grams of coconut powder though), apart from the canned fruit, and mix it together. Form little balls with a cherry or a piece of pineapple inside, covering them in coconut powder.
這道看起來比較簡單..改天來試試 ^_^
300 grams icing sugar
2 250-gram packages baking fat (Visa is the most suitable brand in Slovakia)
2 250-gram packages BB chocolate pudding
3 tbsp cocoa powder
200 grams chopped walnuts
300 grams icing sugar
120 grams sponge cakes (piškóty)
0.2 litre milk
0.1 - 0.2 litre rum
Slowly cook all ingredients for the dough in a pot over steam. Let the sponge cakes soak in the milk, add the other ingredients, and mix them together. First put a spoon of the melted dough into a paper basket, add a spoon of the filling, and again put dough over it. Decorate with walnut or almond on the top.
300 grams icing sugar
2 250-gram packages baking fat (Visa is the most suitable brand in Slovakia)
2 250-gram packages BB chocolate pudding
3 tbsp cocoa powder
200 grams chopped walnuts
300 grams icing sugar
120 grams sponge cakes (piškóty)
0.2 litre milk
0.1 - 0.2 litre rum
Slowly cook all ingredients for the dough in a pot over steam. Let the sponge cakes soak in the milk, add the other ingredients, and mix them together. First put a spoon of the melted dough into a paper basket, add a spoon of the filling, and again put dough over it. Decorate with walnut or almond on the top.