2024-02-25 21:48:38綠茶

Servant of God, Domenica Lazzeri

Servant of God, Domenica Lazzeri


Domenica Lazzeri, born the 16th of March 1815, in the town of Capriana, province of Trento. From the age of 17 to 18 years old, she was infected by an epidemic of influenza known  as “grip,” during which she fully dedicated herself to the care of the ill, and she began her Calvary.


From the 15th of August 1833 until April 1834, the malady in an increasing wave of strange and mysterious symptoms, reached such a high point, as serious as it was unexplainable, that in the month of May 1834, Maria Domenica Lazzeri found herself to be bed-ridden in the form of a total stigmatization, indicated by extreme sufferings, and the inability to sleep, eat or drink, except for Holy Communion, the only food of which she could partake about once a month.


A true living image of the Crucifix, from 19 to 33 years old, that is until her death, she lived immobilized in bed, with her hands, her feet, and her ribs pierced with deep wounds; her feet, one on top of the other, had bleeding holes on them and her head was surrounded by wounds which were thorn-like pokes, in keeping with the atrocious sufferings procured from the wounds of the stigmata, from the sweating of blood and having an apparent near-death experience every Friday. A disquieting clinical picture, because the physical phenomena were unusual and  incurable, linked to a malady which was unable to be diagnosed. She died in her home in Capriana on the 4th of April 1848 at 33 years old (the age of Christ), of which the final 15 years, lived in that tremendous suffering, which merited her the titles of “The Suffering One of Capriana and “the living Crucifix.””


One day in October of 1835, Domenica Lazzeri, regardless of being relegated to her little room in Capriana, because of her paralysis, suddenly disappeared:“Domenica, who could not move  herself on her bed without suffering frightfully, disappeared: she was not seen anymore, not in bed, not in the room, not in the house, not in the basement. She disappeared, body and soul. After 8 and 1/2 days, she suddenly reappeared in her bed, in the usual position in which she usually was. She had gone far away, very far away, seeing in the blink of an eye – on the departure, as on the return – mountains and valleys that spread over vast spaces. Therefore, it was not only about a bi-location.” 


It was not the only “disappearance”of Maria Domenica, the rest she announced to her Pastor. Transported by the Angels, in this way she went to visit her “sisters” who were also stigmatized, Maria von Morl and Kreszentia Nierklutsch, who were living in other villages of the Tirolo which were quite far away. The Bishop of Trento, Monsignor Johann Nepomuk de Tschiderer von Gleifheim (1777-1860, beatified in 1995) kept himself informed of her extraordinary travels, also because he was not favorable to the encounters, wherever they were held, among the three stigmatized women of his diocese.
