2023-07-22 17:34:54綠茶

新 Batch 同梯

















Oh, My Dear Love,


Do you remember when we first met ? That sweet encounter happened when I was still a junior high school student. Later on, I from time to time looked at you, listened to you, talked to you or even put on makeup for you with my colored pens. Foremostly, I learned from your words. Cherishing and keeping them in mind, I would even get up and wake you up at night if I forgot what you had said to me.


In essence, you are so exotic and knowledgeable that there is always some room for me to know you more widely and deeply by approaching your words. Helping me imaginatively be present in different contexts, you present to me possible human conversation on a wide range of topics and meanwhile bring me to many places, such as the streets in Paris, the restaurants in Tokyo, the shopping mall in Seoul, the stadium in the US, etc. Keeping in touch with you, I automatically have my senses exposed to different lands, countries and cultures simply by the flick of my fingers. On the other hand, I like to take you wherever I go. You are a talkative companion but never complains. Never getting tired of repeating your sharing, you love to see me making progress in expressing myself through a non-native way. This is also the very reason I love you so much.


Your true being opens a window on the world for me; consequently I proceed little by little towards an internationally well-informed person ready to take on more challenges in a changing world. Furthermore, maintained only by my regular action with resolution, our relationship reminds me that “Rome was not built in a day” and that “Practice makes perfect.” Warned by the “Use it or lose it” principle and that “To anyone who has, more will be given …; from anyone who has not, even what he has will be taken away” (Matthew 12:13), I will keep my love kindled by never letting go of you: Language-learning Book.

Hidden Challenges


Have you ever heard of the well-known parable “Who Moved My Cheese?” (by Spencer Johnson) According to Amazon, it is about “how to deal with change” so as to “enjoy less stress and more success”. It is interesting to think about the struggle between to change and not to change, and the consequences of the two options.


One sunny day, after class I walked out of the classroom and headed for the dining hall. At  that  moment I thought everything was as usual, not knowing something would happen to me just a few minutes from then.


All of sudden, a pile of poop  in yellow green came into my sight when I passed through the corridor near the chapel. I said to myself, “Oh! my goodness!”, disgusted by the sight. I intended to ignore it  as if I had seen nothing. But I hesitated to change my daily routine which is going to the dining hall right after the class. However, I changed my mind and  swept the filth off even though I would be left behind . I was struggling then.  After sweeping and throwing away the “unexpected guest”, I felt relieved and began to have a dialogue with myself.


I believe that there is a sacred space inside everybody. That is the spiritual site where I can connect to my own being and identity. To put in another way, the invisible room is the “mind” through which my faculty of reasoning  can function. I can never acknowledge enough the importance of my mind if I let any unexpected garbage contaminate or block the passage within it. What is  obstructive to the mind as the “poop”along  the corridor is to the chapel? What is supposed to be swept off in order to maintain the sacredness of my mind? 


Imagine a farm. What does a farmer do with the weeds or unwanted plants? Weeds must be removed because they  consume a considerable amount of   water and nutrients that the main crop will need for growth. (from the internet) The existence of weeds is easy to see. Nevertheless, identifying the “unwanted obstacle” in my mind is not as straightforward as finding weeds in the farm since my mind is invisible and my knowledge about it is still limited.


Consider listening to the radio. What might be the reason for the buzzing noise? Annoying sound happens usually because of the interference produced by another gadget or appliance that uses electric power. (from internet) As a result, any nearby gadget or appliance must be removed or turned off. Alternatively, the cause can be attributed to the unmatched frequency signal. If this is the case, the radio must be tuned in to the right  frequency of a particular channel. Analogous to the solution to the buzzing noise, my mind should not only be free from any “unwanted obstacle” but also be tuned to the “right direction”.


Now I am interested in making out what the “unwanted obstacles” might be and how I can be tuned in to the “right direction”. The "right direction" can be understood as the purpose of life that everyone gets to find for himself or herself, while the “unwanted obstacles” might be "laziness", "fear", "doubt", and so on..


One day I found a resume for job hunting that I wrote twenty years ago. Finding out that I once had been so passionate about life, I perplexed myself with the question, "Who took away my zeal?"


To sum up, it is important to let my mind, i.e. the "chapel",  stay sacred to my true self: the purpose of life. Be  alert and try not to let any obstacles, i.e., the "poop", steal my enthusiasm, i.e. "cheese",  to prevent me from changing.


When what “time will tell” becomes what time has told


People are inclined to know or to get ready for the future. Parents, for example, tend to pay attention to the education of their children in preparation for their career yet to come. For example, foreseeing the upcoming popularization of computers, my father’s major concern for my study after my graduation from junior high school was whether I would be taught how to use computers. To his wishes, I did have the chance to learn basic computing during junior college study, including computer programming.


When the teacher at AIFC gave us the English debate lesson about Artificial Intelligence, a recollection of past studies suddenly flowed into my mind. “Decision-making”, “computer programming language LISP”, and “expert systems” in the handout seemed to be old friends who came to visit me. I heard, “How are you, bro?”, “How have you been these years?” in my mind, stirred warmly throughout the class.


When I first learned about Artificial Intelligence, only a concise description was given. Besides, there hardly were practical applications and examples during those years. However, the situation is totally different than before. There are so many real examples that the Pros and Cons of the debate can be so exciting.


When a new technology makes its debut, crucial moral discussion will always emerge to raise the common concerns about the boundary between the jeopardize and the benefit. The example of “Deep Blue” in the reading material provides food for thought because the fact that a “naturally thinking man” is defeated by a “artificially thinking machine” can be both a victory for scientists and a warning sign for the others. For that "Man created the Machine but the Machine actually won against Man" gives rise to praise as well as criticism. Therefore, it is difficult to take sides because neither usage of AI without any constraints nor a ban is practical. Moderation should be sought after instead.


“Nokia” used to be a well-known mobile phone brand name. The company’s mobile phone business has been sold to Microsoft according to Wikipedia. “Connecting People”, a slogan linked with Nokia, is a mission statement claimed by Microsoft. Interestingly, Google’s first slogan is “Don’t be evil”. Samsung Galaxy S III’s is “Designed for Humans”, and Apple’s “Think Different”. (from the internet) In other words, the original intention of technological development is always human-centered. Therefore, the concerns with technology should go back to the human needs. Moreover, historical facts should also be taken into consideration since how humans face new waves of technology is an on-going reality. For example, according to Wikipedia, AI is considered as part of the 4th Industrial Revolution. As a result, how the world has been changed due to the “Industrial Revolution”, such as the transformation of the job market, will also come with AI.


In conclusion, I am grateful for my father. He foresaw a new wave of technology when "computer" was still a stranger term for the majority. I also give thanks to teachers at school who let me have a basic understanding of AI. Last but not the least, I get to be open to new technologies in the changing world, and to keep a stand on human concerns.



Global Beauty

- Bridging Goodwill and Happiness



--- Happiness --- 幸福 --- しあわせ ---

--- 행복 --- Kaligayahan --- Saya ---



We Are One...!

Living on a beautiful planet full of goodness and creativity, we strive to build a loving Home for all people around the world by means of knowledge and skills. Lawyers, teachers, students, household workers - people from all walks of life - contribute to the enjoyment within our Home, as no one is less important than another.


Why A New Project...?

However, not all people have the same opportunity to learn and to develop their potential. Consequently, some people may not fulfill their purpose of life, and may even be reduced to the marginalized in society due to the lack of material possessions or learning experiences. Therefore, we would like to initiate a Project to lessen these issues by making a bridge through which material things, knowledge and skills can be internationally shared.


“The limits of my language mean the limits of my world.” (Ludwig Wittgenstein) That is, Language plays an important role for one to understand the world. In addition, computing has gradually become a necessary skill for most business activities.

Therefore at the first stage, we would like to focus our Project on the sharing of Language and Information Technology. Soon, more items will be added into the sharing list.


Steps to Take...

We invite people to donate material things that they don't need any more, such as computers, mobile phones and books. These items can then be internationally sent to people who may need them.

We also invite the professionals, such as professors and college students, to take their (summer or winter) vacations in different countries where their knowledge and skills are needed.


Physical and Spiritual Gains...

Those who receive material things, knowledge and skills shared by the others may have the chance to pursue their own goals in life which may then benefit the others. On the other hand, those who are willing to internationally share what they have may gain the real experience of bringing life and care. Therefore, all participants in this Project cooperate to make a positive cycle and contribute to the development of humanity worldwide when good works are continually inspired and practiced. Furthermore, encounters with diversity of cultures may attain mutual understanding, followed by the realization of peace.


Come to Join Us...!

In conclusion, we believe that the more we share, the more we have. “Happiness lies in rendering help to others.” (English proverb) Going beyond the geographic boundaries, we invite people to stretch out a helping hand by generously sharing what they have with others, especially with the young generation in remote areas. By doing so, we make a better world in which care, love and happiness are enjoyed together.








