2015-07-09 14:45:15綠茶

Latest Prophecies (Wait and see)

Latest Prophecies (Wait and see)
Prophecies from Mena Lee Grebin
Stan’s notes gathered from about hour hours of her speaking:
Vision: Newspaper “America’s freedom is over” saw a silhouette was of a future president that was from Chicago [Obama]
Prophecy 2004: “The next president after Bush would be the president we would have to worry about because he would be the president that would lead us into the tribulation”
April 2008: Had a dream “Obama is the person to fulfill ‘power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword.”  (Rev 6:4)
When Israel had to return to their 1967 borders America had to return to her 1967 borders.
“A recession within a recession is coming.” The cities will burn. I saw riots in the streets neighbors were fighting each other. The LORD said, “The violence will increase due to fear.” Have at least one year’s food and supplies including water! Everything that needs to get done must be done by the end of the 2015 summer. Buy food and supplies. 
Many Christians will be greatly blessed in this time of need.
Spring 2014: I saw the Rider on a Black Horse riding across the months Sept Oct Nov Dec 2015. A day’s wages for a loaf of bread. Many small businesses will fail in 2015. Those depending upon the government will fall, the housing market will crash again. Warn the people, those who know me will be sustained, but not everyone who says they belong to me belongs to me. 
As the nation is prepping for catastrophe, heaven is prepping for revival. The revival will start on the east coast and spread to the west coast.
The drought in California is going to grow worse and spread. Starting in Sept 2015 and carrying into next year it is a time of Jubilee. 
2015 Vision: I saw newspaper “575,000 jobs lost.”
Angel visit: I ask the angel, “Will Hillary will win in 2016?”
The elections will be delayed there will not be a 2016 election! Obama will remain in the White House. 
"JADE" ( Joint Assisted Deployment & Execution ) "HELM" ( Homeland Extermination of Local Militias ) is preparation for Martial Law and the disarmament of America and Texas is the primary target.
Prophecy Specifically to the Churches of America:
Feb 2015: Visitation of the LORD: She was directed to use, “Thus saith the LORD” 
Thus saith the LORD. What is coming upon this nation will affect many who claim to follow me this is because not everyone who is a part of the Church I call my bride.
Many believe that they will be shielded from this judgment when in fact they will go through it.
Not everyone who calls upon my name will enter into my Kingdom. For every ten people who pray to me and declare me as their LORD I only know one.
Thus said the LORD God I have sent you my Prophets to warn you of your disobedience and your pride but you have rejected them. You have chosen to follow those who only speak smooth words and deception and I have not sent them. They are not my Prophets. Therefore when I pass judgment on this nation you will feel it. Repent says the LORD of Hosts. Turn to me and seek my face. For the day of the Lord is at hand and know that even in my judgment I am merciful.
There for my judgment will be issued upon the United States of America according to Isaiah 17:10 & 11
ISA 17:10  Because thou hast forgotten the God of thy salvation, and hast not been mindful of the rock of thy strength, therefore shalt thou plant pleasant plants, and shalt set it with strange slips:
11  In the day shalt thou make thy plant to grow, and in the morning shalt thou make thy seed to flourish: but the harvest shall be a heap in the day of grief and of desperate sorrow.
Prophecies from Dr. Patricia Green
5/20/2015 7 Comments
Dr. Patricia Green
Founder of Joy Ministries worldwide to get them baptized and speaking in tongues
Author of 4 Endtime books, 5 about to be published
Seeing Muslims getting saved from her books
Gone all over the world, Africa, India and Israel
The Prophetic Word from Holy Spirit during the 2008 Democratic race between Barak Obama and Hilary Clinton. 
When I received this word from the Lord, Hillary Clinton was slightly ahead in the Democratic race.
 “Barak Obama will win the democratic nomination and he will be the next president of the United States of America.”
I quickly said, “Lord, do you expect me to vote for a man who supports abortion and homosexuality?”
“Child I did not tell you to vote for him. I am telling you he will be the next president of the United States. Barak Obama is a fork tongued devil.”
“Your country has been pushing for abortions and homosexuality so I am giving you a president who will promote abortions and homosexuality. But be rest assured, My hand of judgement will come against your nation while he is president.” 
Tsunami Dreams and Vision
Excerpts taken from “The Seven Spirits of Yahweh” Pages 48, 49, 88 by Dr. Patricia Green
First Tsunami Dream
These next two dreams and vision occurred within ten days of each other and they pertain to the United States. In this dream my husband and I were traveling in a vehicle in North Carolina. We were driving up a mountain road when we saw a policeman with his blue light flashing as a warning signal. He had stopped traffic which prevented us from proceeding up the mountain. In the dream, I got out of the vehicle and walked up the steep mountain road and the officer motioned for me to stop. Then all of a sudden a large wave rolled over the crest of the mountain and was heading towards me. I placed my back to the wave and was able to ride on the crest of it until it washed me back to the bottom of the mountain. At that moment in the dream, I knew that the Atlantic Ocean had washed in as far as this mountain in North Carolina. 
Second Tsunami Dream
In this second dream which occurred ten days later, I was at a beach on the East coast. There were many people at the beach enjoying the sand, sun and the ocean. There were some college aged boys who carried a couch and a rug to the edge of the shoreline as a joke. I warned them that the tide would come in and wash their couch away but they just ignored me and laughed. Then all of a sudden I saw this massive wave that was taller than the hotels and buildings and it was posed to crash onto the beach. In all my life, I had never seen a wave this high at the beach or in pictures. It towered above the tops of buildings. 
Third Tsunami Vision
The third warning about this massive wave came in a vision. In the vision, I was walking side by side with Yahshua in heaven and He spoke these words to me. “Patricia, I want to show you some things.” Yahshua parted the clouds so I could see on the earth below. I saw myself on the earth and there was a mighty wave rising up ready to crash on the shore line. Before this mighty wave hit, I was lifted up. The wave was hundreds of feet tall. Then Yahshua spoke these words to me. “This wave will hit the East coast. Warn the people to get out. This mighty wave will devastate coastal cities and will wash inland for many miles. Florida will be decimated. Washington, D.C. will be under water. New York Harbor will flood the city. In North Carolina, the water will come as far as the mountains. The water will not go beyond the Appalachian Mountains. There are those who will not believe what you are reporting. They will perish in the wave. Millions of people will lose their lives. Nothing of this magnitude happens on the earth unless I speak it through My prophets. I have shown many of My prophets this tsunami and they are also reporting it will happen.” 
                Yahshua did not give me a day or even a year when this massive tsunami wave will hit, He just instructed me to warn people. As a prophet of the Lord Most High, I am posting this warning for all to see. Many will think it could never happen and they will not heed this warning. But those who have an ear to hear what the Spirit of Understanding has revealed will take the necessary action to be safe. Ask Yahweh to give you His answer through His Seven Spirits.
Three Devastations Coming to America
Holy Spirit also spoke this prophetic message. “The United States of America is about to swing into a new season. At first it will be a prosperous time, but it will be short lived. Next it will be a season of devastation from all directions. The first devastation will hit and when she is reeling from that one, the next will be right on its heels. When it looks like it cannot get any worse, indeed it will. This series of devastating events will cripple your nation and bring her to her knees. She will realize that she is no longer the powerful nation she once was. Look to the skies and you will see the first devastation. Look to the seas and you will see the next devastation. Look to the earth and you will see the third devastation. I the Lord of the heavens, the earth, and beneath earth have spoken.”
Excerpts from “The Final Seven” Pages 94,95,107, 116,117,119,120 By Dr. Patricia Green
National Distress and Martial Law for America 
The Lord said, “I want to show you things that will happen in the United States of America during these years of tribulation. It will be a time of great national distress. All these things will occur in the final years before I return.” This is what was revealed to me through Holy Spirit. There will be dams that break which flood the lands and the people below. Hoover Dam will be one that breaks. Power supplies will be cut off to major cities and it will plunge people into darkness.  I saw a vision of a huge ash cloud and bits of debris were falling to the earth. I saw tall buildings crumbling to earth in a heap of rubble, much like the Twin Towers collapsed. I saw bridges collapsing and falling into the waters below. Causeways that connected islands to the mainland were collapsing leaving people stranded on islands without food or supplies. I saw deep fissures in the earth’s surface as a result of great earthquakes. Universities, colleges, and schools were shut down because of the national disasters. Many people were dying because medicines were scarce during this time. I saw people being killed with guns and Holy Spirit said that martial law would replace the civil law of the land. The imposition of martial law would mean the suspension of civil rights and civil law would be replaced by military authority. There would be curfews, roadblocks and check points to maintain order and control. An executive order signed by President Obama has already broadened the government’s power to enact martial law even in peaceful times.
Collapse of United States
                “The United States of America will fall because of her wickedness. I raise nations up and I take nations down according to My will. I bless nations that follow My commands and I curse nations that disobey My commands. All that will happen to your nation will be a result of your nation’s sin. As a nation you have clamored for rights. People say that those rights are a freedom, when in fact it is bondage. Homosexuality is not a civil right; it is bondage to sexual impurity that destroys the covenant of marriage that I established. Abortion is bondage because of the emotional destruction that comes from taking a life of an innocent child. Sin is bondage and all sin is abhorrence to Me.” 
                “The United States of America is a whelp; I gave her birth to be an ally of Israel. The United States will decrease and Israel will increase in the end. At the end of the age, there will be no greater nation than Israel. I will cause events to happen that will diminish the power and influence of the USA. People will say this cannot happen, but indeed it will happen, because I have spoken it! Nations that had great power in the past ages no longer exist because I declared their demise. You are a modern day Jeremiah, My child. You will declare these things and the people will scoff at you and say you have not heard from Me. But truly I say to you, these things will happen before I return. Do not fear to speak My truth. I am all powerful. I can wipe out a nation with My breath. With My voice I can flatten mountains, move islands, and create earthquakes, floods, and famines. Man is frail compared to My great power and with My outstretched hands I protect, provide, and possess My chosen and holy people. I want you to know that no matter what I show you about these end times, you are in the palm of My hands. Do not fear or worry. Just know that I am with you and I will bless you and your family.”
                “When famine, pestilence and disease strike the nations, I will protect and provide for My children. There will be a distinction between My people and those of the world. Tell My people not to fear because I am in control. In the end, the righteous will shine as bright as the morning sun and the wicked will perish. I am preparing My people so they do not die from the sword, the pestilence, and the famine.” 
                “Many will get saved during this horrible time. The fear that the end is near will cause people to seek out Christians for truth. Just know that all must proceed as Holy Scriptures has stated. The sword will be the nuclear war. The famine will result from the drought when I withhold the rain. The pestilence will be a new strain of a disease that is not known and there will not be a cure. It will quickly kill people like the black plague. The war will last five years and the famine will quickly follow. My children will need wisdom to survive this tribulation. Food will be scarce, but My children will be prepared for the famine. I am instructing My children to begin to fill up their storehouses before the famine strikes, just as I instructed Joseph while he was in Egypt. It would be wise to begin storing provisions before the outbreak of the war.”
                “The landscape of America is about to change. There will be many signs I perform as a warning to your nation. The waterways will become poisonous. The hills will begin to tremble. The stars will lose their brilliance. Your sun will begin to emit flashes of radiation. Weather patterns will change. My hand is on the weather. These things will not happen by chance because I will cause them to happen with My outstretched arm. Most meteorologists have an explanation for the weather phenomenon, but during this time it will defy all human reasoning. Until people come to realization that I am Yahweh and I am in control, they will be confused about the weather events that will occur on this earth. In the north there will be warmer temperatures. In the south, there will be flooding. In the west, there will be earthquakes. In the east, the seas will roar with extraordinary force. The central plains will see a great hurricane that will dump great amounts of rain. The landscape will change. The Appalachians will be the furthest point east before the Mississippi River expands its boundaries. The ocean will come as far as the Rockies in some areas. The Grand Canyon will begin to fill with water. Lake Michigan and Lake Huron will combine to form one large body of water. The geological plates will shift.” 
                “Hell is expanding! Tell the people that hell is expanding.  This saddens My heart. I never created hell for mankind. Those in rebellion and disobedience to their Creator will be eternally damned. The landscape of America is about to change. I will establish cities of refuge for the ones who know Me intimately. These cities will be a place of safety under My wing of protection. Call to Me and I will show you and guide you to a city of refuge in these perilous times. Stay close to Me and I will instruct you. In the dark of the night, some will have to flee. My angels will protect you and My Spirit will guide you. Do not fear My little children. I am with you and I will never leave you nor forsake you.”
War with Russia
                “The battle is about to begin. Do not remain silent, child. Whatever I tell you, shout from the roof tops. War is coming to America. There is wickedness in high places both in the spiritual realm and the natural realm. They are plotting behind the scenes to take America down. Important information was given to the Russian government regarding the USA and the Russians will use this information to attack the infrastructure of your nation. Many will hear of this plan but will ignore it, thinking it could never happen to their beloved nation. There is wickedness in high places in government, banking and independent companies who line their pockets with gold at the expense of your people. Truth has been suppressed. Your country has become a nation of lies. Darkness is about to overcome your nation. A deep darkness will cover the people because they loved the lies and not the truth. But all is not lost. Do not despair My children. For out of the darkness comes My glorious light.”
Latest Prophecies (Wait and see)

Prophecies from Mena Lee Grebin


Stan’s notes gathered from about hour hours of her speaking:

Vision: Newspaper “America’s freedom is over” saw a silhouette was of a future president that was from Chicago [Obama]

Prophecy 2004: “The next president after Bush would be the president we would have to worry about because he would be the president that would lead us into the tribulation”

April 2008: Had a dream “Obama is the person to fulfill ‘power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword.”  (Rev 6:4)

When Israel had to return to their 1967 borders America had to return to her 1967 borders.

“A recession within a recession is coming.” The cities will burn. I saw riots in the streets neighbors were fighting each other. The LORD said, “The violence will increase due to fear.” Have at least one year’s food and supplies including water! Everything that needs to get done must be done by the end of the 2015 summer. Buy food and supplies. 

Many Christians will be greatly blessed in this time of need.

Spring 2014: I saw the Rider on a Black Horse riding across the months Sept Oct Nov Dec 2015. A day’s wages for a loaf of bread. Many small businesses will fail in 2015. Those depending upon the government will fall, the housing market will crash again. Warn the people, those who know me will be sustained, but not everyone who says they belong to me belongs to me. 

As the nation is prepping for catastrophe, heaven is prepping for revival. The revival will start on the east coast and spread to the west coast.

The drought in California is going to grow worse and spread. Starting in Sept 2015 and carrying into next year it is a time of Jubilee. 

2015 Vision: I saw newspaper “575,000 jobs lost.”

Angel visit: I ask the angel, “Will Hillary will win in 2016?”

The elections will be delayed there will not be a 2016 election! Obama will remain in the White House. 

"JADE" ( Joint Assisted Deployment & Execution ) "HELM" ( Homeland Extermination of Local Militias ) is preparation for Martial Law and the disarmament of America and Texas is the primary target.

Prophecy Specifically to the Churches of America:

Feb 2015: Visitation of the LORD: She was directed to use, “Thus saith the LORD” 

Thus saith the LORD. What is coming upon this nation will affect many who claim to follow me this is because not everyone who is a part of the Church I call my bride.

Many believe that they will be shielded from this judgment when in fact they will go through it.

Not everyone who calls upon my name will enter into my Kingdom. For every ten people who pray to me and declare me as their LORD I only know one.

Thus said the LORD God I have sent you my Prophets to warn you of your disobedience and your pride but you have rejected them. You have chosen to follow those who only speak smooth words and deception and I have not sent them. They are not my Prophets. Therefore when I pass judgment on this nation you will feel it. Repent says the LORD of Hosts. Turn to me and seek my face. For the day of the Lord is at hand and know that even in my judgment I am merciful.

There for my judgment will be issued upon the United States of America according to Isaiah 17:10 & 11

ISA 17:10  Because thou hast forgotten the God of thy salvation, and hast not been mindful of the rock of thy strength, therefore shalt thou plant pleasant plants, and shalt set it with strange slips:

11  In the day shalt thou make thy plant to grow, and in the morning shalt thou make thy seed to flourish: but the harvest shall be a heap in the day of grief and of desperate sorrow.


Prophecies from Dr. Patricia Green

5/20/2015 7 Comments 

Dr. Patricia Green

Founder of Joy Ministries worldwide to get them baptized and speaking in tongues
Author of 4 Endtime books, 5 about to be published
Seeing Muslims getting saved from her books
Gone all over the world, Africa, India and Israel

The Prophetic Word from Holy Spirit during the 2008 Democratic race between Barak Obama and Hilary Clinton. 

When I received this word from the Lord, Hillary Clinton was slightly ahead in the Democratic race.

 “Barak Obama will win the democratic nomination and he will be the next president of the United States of America.”

I quickly said, “Lord, do you expect me to vote for a man who supports abortion and homosexuality?”

“Child I did not tell you to vote for him. I am telling you he will be the next president of the United States. Barak Obama is a fork tongued devil.”

“Your country has been pushing for abortions and homosexuality so I am giving you a president who will promote abortions and homosexuality. But be rest assured, My hand of judgement will come against your nation while he is president.” 

Tsunami Dreams and Vision

Excerpts taken from “The Seven Spirits of Yahweh” Pages 48, 49, 88 by Dr. Patricia Green

First Tsunami Dream

These next two dreams and vision occurred within ten days of each other and they pertain to the United States. In this dream my husband and I were traveling in a vehicle in North Carolina. We were driving up a mountain road when we saw a policeman with his blue light flashing as a warning signal. He had stopped traffic which prevented us from proceeding up the mountain. In the dream, I got out of the vehicle and walked up the steep mountain road and the officer motioned for me to stop. Then all of a sudden a large wave rolled over the crest of the mountain and was heading towards me. I placed my back to the wave and was able to ride on the crest of it until it washed me back to the bottom of the mountain. At that moment in the dream, I knew that the Atlantic Ocean had washed in as far as this mountain in North Carolina. 

Second Tsunami Dream

In this second dream which occurred ten days later, I was at a beach on the East coast. There were many people at the beach enjoying the sand, sun and the ocean. There were some college aged boys who carried a couch and a rug to the edge of the shoreline as a joke. I warned them that the tide would come in and wash their couch away but they just ignored me and laughed. Then all of a sudden I saw this massive wave that was taller than the hotels and buildings and it was posed to crash onto the beach. In all my life, I had never seen a wave this high at the beach or in pictures. It towered above the tops of buildings. 

Third Tsunami Vision

The third warning about this massive wave came in a vision. In the vision, I was walking side by side with Yahshua in heaven and He spoke these words to me. “Patricia, I want to show you some things.” Yahshua parted the clouds so I could see on the earth below. I saw myself on the earth and there was a mighty wave rising up ready to crash on the shore line. Before this mighty wave hit, I was lifted up. The wave was hundreds of feet tall. Then Yahshua spoke these words to me. “This wave will hit the East coast. Warn the people to get out. This mighty wave will devastate coastal cities and will wash inland for many miles. Florida will be decimated. Washington, D.C. will be under water. New York Harbor will flood the city. In North Carolina, the water will come as far as the mountains. The water will not go beyond the Appalachian Mountains. There are those who will not believe what you are reporting. They will perish in the wave. Millions of people will lose their lives. Nothing of this magnitude happens on the earth unless I speak it through My prophets. I have shown many of My prophets this tsunami and they are also reporting it will happen.” 

                Yahshua did not give me a day or even a year when this massive tsunami wave will hit, He just instructed me to warn people. As a prophet of the Lord Most High, I am posting this warning for all to see. Many will think it could never happen and they will not heed this warning. But those who have an ear to hear what the Spirit of Understanding has revealed will take the necessary action to be safe. Ask Yahweh to give you His answer through His Seven Spirits.

Three Devastations Coming to America

Holy Spirit also spoke this prophetic message. “The United States of America is about to swing into a new season. At first it will be a prosperous time, but it will be short lived. Next it will be a season of devastation from all directions. The first devastation will hit and when she is reeling from that one, the next will be right on its heels. When it looks like it cannot get any worse, indeed it will. This series of devastating events will cripple your nation and bring her to her knees. She will realize that she is no longer the powerful nation she once was. Look to the skies and you will see the first devastation. Look to the seas and you will see the next devastation. Look to the earth and you will see the third devastation. I the Lord of the heavens, the earth, and beneath earth have spoken.”

Excerpts from “The Final Seven” Pages 94,95,107, 116,117,119,120 By Dr. Patricia Green

National Distress and Martial Law for America 

The Lord said, “I want to show you things that will happen in the United States of America during these years of tribulation. It will be a time of great national distress. All these things will occur in the final years before I return.” This is what was revealed to me through Holy Spirit. There will be dams that break which flood the lands and the people below. Hoover Dam will be one that breaks. Power supplies will be cut off to major cities and it will plunge people into darkness.  I saw a vision of a huge ash cloud and bits of debris were falling to the earth. I saw tall buildings crumbling to earth in a heap of rubble, much like the Twin Towers collapsed. I saw bridges collapsing and falling into the waters below. Causeways that connected islands to the mainland were collapsing leaving people stranded on islands without food or supplies. I saw deep fissures in the earth’s surface as a result of great earthquakes. Universities, colleges, and schools were shut down because of the national disasters. Many people were dying because medicines were scarce during this time. I saw people being killed with guns and Holy Spirit said that martial law would replace the civil law of the land. The imposition of martial law would mean the suspension of civil rights and civil law would be replaced by military authority. There would be curfews, roadblocks and check points to maintain order and control. An executive order signed by President Obama has already broadened the government’s power to enact martial law even in peaceful times.

Collapse of United States

                “The United States of America will fall because of her wickedness. I raise nations up and I take nations down according to My will. I bless nations that follow My commands and I curse nations that disobey My commands. All that will happen to your nation will be a result of your nation’s sin. As a nation you have clamored for rights. People say that those rights are a freedom, when in fact it is bondage. Homosexuality is not a civil right; it is bondage to sexual impurity that destroys the covenant of marriage that I established. Abortion is bondage because of the emotional destruction that comes from taking a life of an innocent child. Sin is bondage and all sin is abhorrence to Me.” 

                “The United States of America is a whelp; I gave her birth to be an ally of Israel. The United States will decrease and Israel will increase in the end. At the end of the age, there will be no greater nation than Israel. I will cause events to happen that will diminish the power and influence of the USA. People will say this cannot happen, but indeed it will happen, because I have spoken it! Nations that had great power in the past ages no longer exist because I declared their demise. You are a modern day Jeremiah, My child. You will declare these things and the people will scoff at you and say you have not heard from Me. But truly I say to you, these things will happen before I return. Do not fear to speak My truth. I am all powerful. I can wipe out a nation with My breath. With My voice I can flatten mountains, move islands, and create earthquakes, floods, and famines. Man is frail compared to My great power and with My outstretched hands I protect, provide, and possess My chosen and holy people. I want you to know that no matter what I show you about these end times, you are in the palm of My hands. Do not fear or worry. Just know that I am with you and I will bless you and your family.”

                “When famine, pestilence and disease strike the nations, I will protect and provide for My children. There will be a distinction between My people and those of the world. Tell My people not to fear because I am in control. In the end, the righteous will shine as bright as the morning sun and the wicked will perish. I am preparing My people so they do not die from the sword, the pestilence, and the famine.” 

                “Many will get saved during this horrible time. The fear that the end is near will cause people to seek out Christians for truth. Just know that all must proceed as Holy Scriptures has stated. The sword will be the nuclear war. The famine will result from the drought when I withhold the rain. The pestilence will be a new strain of a disease that is not known and there will not be a cure. It will quickly kill people like the black plague. The war will last five years and the famine will quickly follow. My children will need wisdom to survive this tribulation. Food will be scarce, but My children will be prepared for the famine. I am instructing My children to begin to fill up their storehouses before the famine strikes, just as I instructed Joseph while he was in Egypt. It would be wise to begin storing provisions before the outbreak of the war.”

                “The landscape of America is about to change. There will be many signs I perform as a warning to your nation. The waterways will become poisonous. The hills will begin to tremble. The stars will lose their brilliance. Your sun will begin to emit flashes of radiation. Weather patterns will change. My hand is on the weather. These things will not happen by chance because I will cause them to happen with My outstretched arm. Most meteorologists have an explanation for the weather phenomenon, but during this time it will defy all human reasoning. Until people come to realization that I am Yahweh and I am in control, they will be confused about the weather events that will occur on this earth. In the north there will be warmer temperatures. In the south, there will be flooding. In the west, there will be earthquakes. In the east, the seas will roar with extraordinary force. The central plains will see a great hurricane that will dump great amounts of rain. The landscape will change. The Appalachians will be the furthest point east before the Mississippi River expands its boundaries. The ocean will come as far as the Rockies in some areas. The Grand Canyon will begin to fill with water. Lake Michigan and Lake Huron will combine to form one large body of water. The geological plates will shift.” 

                “Hell is expanding! Tell the people that hell is expanding.  This saddens My heart. I never created hell for mankind. Those in rebellion and disobedience to their Creator will be eternally damned. The landscape of America is about to change. I will establish cities of refuge for the ones who know Me intimately. These cities will be a place of safety under My wing of protection. Call to Me and I will show you and guide you to a city of refuge in these perilous times. Stay close to Me and I will instruct you. In the dark of the night, some will have to flee. My angels will protect you and My Spirit will guide you. Do not fear My little children. I am with you and I will never leave you nor forsake you.”

War with Russia

                “The battle is about to begin. Do not remain silent, child. Whatever I tell you, shout from the roof tops. War is coming to America. There is wickedness in high places both in the spiritual realm and the natural realm. They are plotting behind the scenes to take America down. Important information was given to the Russian government regarding the USA and the Russians will use this information to attack the infrastructure of your nation. Many will hear of this plan but will ignore it, thinking it could never happen to their beloved nation. There is wickedness in high places in government, banking and independent companies who line their pockets with gold at the expense of your people. Truth has been suppressed. Your country has become a nation of lies. Darkness is about to overcome your nation. A deep darkness will cover the people because they loved the lies and not the truth. But all is not lost. Do not despair My children. For out of the darkness comes My glorious light.”
