2015-04-21 13:57:29綠茶

The miracle of the Virgin of Sorrows

The miracle of the Virgin of Sorrows - A Moment with Mary
The image of Our Lady of Sorrows with its heart pierced by seven swords representing Mary’s seven sorrows, found in Quito (Ecuador), is one of the best known images of the Mother of Sorrows.
Ecuador’s history has been marked by anti-Catholic revolutions. In 1906, secularism was proclaimed by the anti-clerical National Assembly; religious events were banned, diocesan and religious property confiscated. It was during that year that the persecution of the Church reached its height. It was also in the same year that the miracle of Our Lady of Sorrows occurred.
On April 20, 1906, in the Jesuit College of Saint Gabriel of Quito, the Virgin Mary showed her presence by blinking in a painting of Our Lady of Sorrows at the thirty-five college students who were present in the room.
The boys who were the witnesses
of the movement of the eyes in the picture of Our Lady of Quito
Seven days later, the Church authorities launched the canonical process, and on May 31st of that year, the people of Quito heard the conclusions of the ecclesiastical authorities, establishing the incidence of April 20th at the Jesuit College as historically true. The college has now become a Marian shrine and the painting is carried all over the country.
Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now, and at the hour of death.
The miracle of the Virgin of Sorrows - A Moment with Mary

The image of Our Lady of Sorrows with its heart pierced by seven swords representing Mary’s seven sorrows, found in Quito (Ecuador), is one of the best known images of the Mother of Sorrows.

Ecuador’s history has been marked by anti-Catholic revolutions. In 1906, secularism was proclaimed by the anti-clerical National Assembly; religious events were banned, diocesan and religious property confiscated. It was during that year that the persecution of the Church reached its height. It was also in the same year that the miracle of Our Lady of Sorrows occurred.

On April 20, 1906, in the Jesuit College of Saint Gabriel of Quito, the Virgin Mary showed her presence by blinking in a painting of Our Lady of Sorrows at the thirty-five college students who were present in the room.

The boys who were the witnessesof the movement of the eyes in the picture of Our Lady of Quito

Seven days later, the Church authorities launched the canonical process, and on May 31st of that year, the people of Quito heard the conclusions of the ecclesiastical authorities, establishing the incidence of April 20th at the Jesuit College as historically true. The college has now become a Marian shrine and the painting is carried all over the country.



Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now, and at the hour of death.Amen.
