2004-07-25 22:20:32CK

Not again, arh~~~~~><

He called me again today while i was in the car with bro dad and sis.
I had no choice but to cut it off after it rang twice.
It actually ruined my whole evening.
I wasn't paying attention to what people were saying at the dinner.
I can't believe how persistent he can be.
I better not see him in person, if i do, i don't think i'll be able to speak.
Not a word.
And if he keeps pushing me, i think i'll freak out and yell at him in public.

I don't hate men.
And I don't mind dating.
It's not like I am avoiding them or rejecting them purposely, either.
I just don't want to pick a guy randomly and make him my bf just because people keep saying shit to me like
"How can you not have a bf?"
"Why don't you get yourself a bf?"
"You must be very lonely."
"Don't try to act tough, let someone take care of you."
"You know, Jeff is pretty good. Why don't you date him?"
You know what?
Just shut your fucking mouth.
I'll have someone when it feels right.
I don't need your preach, alright?
And why do you even care?
You think i don't know what you people are thinking?
Oh yeah, i do, guys and girls...
Don't make me say it.