2005-08-11 21:19:40EQ

Always There

When I’m less than I should be
When I just can’t face the day
When darkness falls around me
And I just can’t find my way
When my eyes don’t clearly see
And I stumble through it all
You I lean upon ,you keep me strong
And you rise me when I fall

You are there when I most need you
You are there so constantly
You come shining through
You Always do ....You are always there for me

When life brings me to my knees
When my back’s against the wall
You are standing there right with me
Just to keep me standing tall
Though a burden I may be
You don’t weary , you don’t rest
You are reaching out to carry me
And I know I’m heaven-blest

"Always There"這首歌充份表現出RW聲音的磁性,那幾分磁性使他的聲音呈現出一種難以言喻的吸引,這是他以前的聲音所無法呈現出來的,我猜想大概是他的聲音經過聲帶時出現分岔的情形,但情況並不嚴重,結果這幾絲雜質的影響恰到好處,這反而形成了引人的磁性,也加了幾分溫暖的特質,加上他原來聲音的細緻陰柔,因此現在的他很適合演唱溫柔激勵人心的曲目。

Always There的旋律很簡單,RW的詮釋方式也極為簡單,但這反而突顯曲子本身所包含的感情,不因為過多的花腔或轉音技巧移轉注意力,而能單純感受到音樂本身的感人力量,特意放柔放慢的節拍也顯得沉緩與深情。

這首歌收錄在秘密花園(Secret Garden)的專輯"Earthsongs"之中
曲:Secret Garden,詞:Branden Graham