2008-04-14 21:12:01nana
他喜歡騎腳踏車,喜歡寫詩,看老電影,這是他消除壓力、煩惱的方法,他還喜歡「bring things back to life」,那就是替路邊快要枯萎的花花草草、傢俱等等加以整修,重新賦予他們新的生命。她的出現就像是為他原本黯淡的生活中帶來了光芒,雖然微落,卻足以讓他的生活變得多采多姿。
the spring of all my winters
I saw there in your eyes
eyes that show
no trace of frost
nor snow could ever hide
and hands with such a gentle touch
known only to a child
all those things
the winter brings
the spring is still awhile
if I climbed a mountain
how far had I go
to see an angel
spread her wings
to the very depths below
if I climbed that mountain
and her wings very small
would that angel
spread her wings
or would she tumble and fall
and if that angel
passed on by
no wings at all to see
would that still
be an angel
passing by the likes of me
the sands of time
how they pass
through the hour glasses grip
not time enough to read a book
the moments how they slip
no time to see the sunrise
or clouds of rain pass by
not even time enough
to hear the birds
chirp in the sky
just time enough
to watch the sands
in the hour glass go by
if you can see the sunshine
past all the clouds of grey
then what you had and lost
will come again your way
a lotus flower
is to be seen
so you should show yourself more often
A galss that breaks may create chance.