2009-03-29 23:55:01Kosha多潔卓馬








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Economic Slump: The Best Years of Your Career

Are you worried about your job?  Are you having trouble
making enough money to support your family?  The whole
world is caught in a serious economic slump, and it is
affecting each and every one of us.  But you don't have to be
a victim; there are things you can do right now that will
guarantee your financial security during these difficult times.

Come and learn how to transform these problems into 
an opportunity to have more success in your career than
you ever dreamed was possible.  You'll be learning very
specific techniques that ordinary people from all over the
world have used to achieve tremendous financial success.

These techniques are based in the ancient Asian teachings
of the Diamond Cutter Sutra, which in the Chinese is the
oldest printed book in the world, and became part of the
ancient yoga teachings of India.  This book has been
used by the speakers to help build a
successful company with a quarter-billion
dollars US in annual sales.  Come be with us and learn
how to turn the economic slump into the best years of your
