2007-09-13 10:12:14Hua


Alvin: Hello, I am Alvin, May I speak with Smith?

Smith: I am smith.

Alvin: Where are you reaching now?

Smith: Hmm, I think that I has arrived in Ilan. I will get to Luodong Station after 15mins.

Alvin: I see. Will the train arrive on time?

Smith: yep, I think so.

Alvin: Ok, I will wait for u there, see you later!

Smith: see you later!

At Station

Alvin: Hello, Smith! Welcome to Ilan!

Smith: Ilan is a beautiful place, I am eager for this travel for a long time!

Alvin: I am anxious for your coming, my friend! Let’s go aboard my car, I think we will have a good time today!

Smith: I believe it.



Hua 2007-09-24 10:11:38

A: Hello, this is Alvin, is Smith there?
B: This`s smith.