2009-04-21 17:17:00迪恩斯留學遊學專門家
英國留學新課程介紹MSc Brand Leadership
不少同學在申請英國留學的時候,提到攻讀【BRAND品牌】相關的課程的可能性。好消息,英國東安格利亞大學University of East Anglia,推出了2009年最新的碩士 - MSc Brand Leadership 。 目前申請行銷(Marketing)碩士的您,如果想針對如何經營一個成功的品牌(Brand)做深度的學習。你可以考慮這一個嶄新的課程。
此課程的課程架構: Modules
In semester 1 students follow:
Two core modules:
Brand now
Brand and strategy
Students also choose one of these electives:
Brands, Society and Culture
Integrated Marketing Communications
In semester 2 students follow:Brand in action
Marketing research
Students also choose one of these electives:
Organisational transformation
Innovation and brands
Semester 3
Students finish the programme by writing a dissertation, and taking part in a month-long optional placement in a big business or a consultancy.
Through the year, students get three additional kinds of learning, unique to this programme:
‧ ‘Brand me’ workshops, which will help students market themselves
‧ A regular meeting with an external mentor who’s a senior branding practitioner
‧ A series of events and visits to see brand in action.
Key Facts
Duration: 12 months, full-time
Starts: September 2009
Designed for: graduates in business or economics, or someone with three or more years experience in marketing or strategy work.
Intake: 15-20 students
Entry requirements: minimum 2.1 honours degree or equivalent in business or economics, or a degree in another discipline and minimum 3 years’ work experience. IELTS 7.0 or TOEFL 105 (IBT) if first language is not English
Fees: £15,000 for UK/EU and International
課程內容詳見 Normal002falsefalsefalseMicrosoftInternetExplorer4>>>
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