2009-09-28 18:03:44DJ

10月28日 (三) 「THIS IS IT」

大家期待已久,也始麥克生前為能完成的遺志「 This is it」 的倫敦籌備演場會的


將於1028()於全球各地超過25的地區上映,其中有超過15的地區會在同一時間舉行 ~












喜歡這幾位參與製作者在訪談中的一些某話,這些人不吝嗇地從內心給與MJ的讚美 ~

Branca:「Our goal is to work with partners who treat Michael’s legacy with dignity and respect….

McClainMichael lives on through his songs, his creative genius, his body of work and his passion for his art…



Rob Stringer:「He was a perfectionist on stage and through this unique film, audiences will be able to see, many for the first time, how much Michael poured into making his performances as special as they were perfect…




Kenny Ortega, director of and Jackson's creative partner on the This Is It concert

The world will see what our team was so fortunate to experience, which was the full commitment, passion and creativity that Michael put into this project. He was the architect of This Is It, and we were his builders. The footage that was captured from the early stages of the production to our technical rehearsals at the STAPLES Center in L.A. will show Michael as he truly was, creatively involved with every aspect of the production, from the staging and choreography, to the music, lighting, production design and conception of the original short films and video backdrops.


It will also show Michael as one of the greatest entertainers in the world and one of the industry's most creative minds.This Is It was Michael's last theatrical work and although it was still a work in progress, I think the footage will show that the process was something that Michael deeply enjoyed and that it was clear that he was on his way to another  theatrical triumph.






= = = = =








讀到Branca說的這一段時,心有所感 ~

Our goal is to work with partners who treat Michael's legacy with dignity and respect..


同舟共濟」的精神正是如此 --- No passionNo respect No succeed !!








一部作品讓觀眾呼聲叫非一個人的功勞 ~

一個作品讓觀眾呼聲不也不是一個人的問題 ~  是整體的!




或只一昧地指責都是自私的 ~如此,如何產生可觀的表演內容呢?



到今早還是有太多MJ的八卦新聞 ~ ~

怎麼世界有那麼多人要是沒能以假亂真沒能以虛謊行天下以得己利的話,就無法「活下去」呢? ~ (呼~)





小葛 2009-10-01 22:20:21


2009-10-04 00:46:35
Nelson 2009-09-28 22:55:29

I expect it a lot as well.

絕不能錯過ㄛ!! 2009-10-04 00:45:58