2015-06-23 16:20:55Riderflame

懷舊音樂專輯:60s Western Union Band - Walking Proud

懷舊音樂專輯:Western Union Band - Walking Proud

60年代的新加坡有一隻樂隊叫Western Union Band,Levis 曾經被寫在它們的一首歌裡頭:Walking Proud. 因為當年在新加坡穿Levis 牛仔褲的男女,男的壯碩,女的俏皮,如此才有夠潮。


Walking Proud歌詞是這樣寫的:
"It fits my mind/And it fits my soul/And it fits my generation/It makes livin a laugh/And loving a life/And walkin a celebration/I'm standing up/Callin to be counted/ Walkin proud in my Levi's/Levi's got me walkin proud/I'm walkin proud in my Levi's/ I've arrived/I'm alive/I'm walkin proud in my Levi's. 

Western Union Band - Walking Proud


Western Union Band - Sausolito


這首好像看到Tracy (黃鶯鶯 ?) 的倩影在MV裡面。
Western Union Band - Yesterday's Sorrows