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Movie massacre: 'Oh your God, this is actually happening'

(CNN) -- Jennifer Seeger featured at the gun pointed at her encounter in a stained movie theater.That 22-year-old had a couple of choices: Have there and also die, and / or make a perform for it.Your lady made a split-second final decision and dove into a row at the Millennium Aurora 16 multiplex, tucking their self under the bike seats.The gunman hit into the strip, and then straight into the row at the rear of Seeger. Bullet supports, burning very hot, dropped round her.Play useless, she explained to people since the shooting prolonged. He wouldn't shoot people today he believes are already lifeless.After day of agony, individuals and their families in Colorado get heartbreaking confirmationThe moviesIn the movies, assault is equalled. Explosions are entirely timed. Gunshots ring apart clearly. Body systems fall gently.But when lack of control strikes in the real world, it is topsy-turvy and often muffled.This is the scene that will unfolded early Exclusive morning, soon there after midnight, every time a gunman opened shoot at a cinema in Aurora, Co, during a diagnostic tests of the unique Batman sequel.'He helped me give protection to my wife & have shot'Victim shot while in the neck, talks about sceneIn the few minutes it used the gunman so that you can unload numerous rounds, as outlined by police shows, nearly everyone inside Theater Little. 9 would make a life-or-death option -- sometimes by means of terrifying gains.The moviehouses of the 100 years 16 multiplex had been filled with hard-core admirers, many of whom bought prices weeks earlier for the Twelve:05 a.michael. premiere about "The Dark Soldier Rises.In . Many wore costumes which often emulated their best characters in your DC Comics franchise.Right in front of the show, Seeger and a associate took seating in the following row, outside the screen. Emma Goose, 19, and the woman's friends got there late and also were made to take separate seats nearby the front, furthermore near the show.The gunman appeared to be there, overly. He got a new ticket along the door together with took the seat close to the emergency get out door, reported by police.Aurora actively works to emerge from disarray, carnage'Oh my God'The film was in her first min's and most with the moviegoers didn't manage to notice the exit door wide open and then basically partially close up.Authorities accept it was then that the gunman sneaked out to his particular car parked in the butt of the theatre to pick up tools and add a propane gas mask along with tactical gear, including a ballistic motorbike helmet and protective equipment for his legs, nck and crotch.It was right after 12:34 a.michael. when Seeger for starters saw the guy wearing your gas hide and bringing weapons enter in the theater from your emergency get out of door.The person looked like "a SWAT gentleman," dolled up head-to-toe in charcoal, Seeger thought.It needs to be part of the clearly show, she reasoned, additional attraction to the opening nights one of the most highly anticipated movies of the season.Goose thought the same.In one fretting hand, the man stored a hissing cylinder, they said. From the other, the rifle.'I don't think we will get out alive'Movie sorry victim: 'He shot us a second time'Seeger seen him when he lobbed the canister into the viewers. It designed a loud placing sound, witnesses suggest.He then specific the shot gun toward typically the ceiling, heating several circuits.In that decisive moment, Seeger knew it wasn't an act. Therefore, too, could Goose."Oh my Jesus, this is really going on," Goose believed, as this girl went to the earth.Then the gentleman lowered precisely what is now regarded a semi-automatic firearm, pointing the application at Seeger since she were up.Timeline of Colorado theater shooting'Crawling about each other'Panic is setting in being a realization grabbed through the show that the gunman appeared to be real -- and this man was intending on killing many people.Whatever was a student in the canister that found in the middle of typically the theater seemed to be beginning to eliminate the eyes on the patrons.Various in the movie theater thought it was a good smoke blast, while others theorized it was damage gas.To start with, Seeger didn't know things to do. The gunman has been three feet away, pointing your gun with her are up against.There weren't time to develop a reasoned decision. Either live and die, this girl told herself.iReporter showed up later part of the, had to can start another cinema Seeger dived into the row, continually pushing her body underneath the chairs next to her own friend seeing that she listened to gunshots around her diablo 3 power leveling.Your wife quietly aimed to calm the friend and those around her just as hot shell casings bounced on the floor striking her hard, burning the girl's forehead.From a nearby line, Goose was on a lawn, using the seating for handle, when your wife realized she'd to move in the event she was going to survive."We started out pushing oneself and creeping over 1," the girl said.The first 911 requests came into your Aurora Police Section at about 12:Thirty-nine a.mirielle. They were as well as dozens, understandably hundreds far more.The speech of a dispatcher crackled above the radio to help you police devices: "They're saying someone is taking pictures in the audience." Instances later, the woman added: "There are at least someone shot, however they are saying there is certainly hundreds of individuals just seen."Security stepped up all over the country in get up of shooting'Shot with the face'People were forcing and shoving one another you're out of the restricted rows from seats plus down the shelves to security.Goose peered over the line of seats available toward your gunman, who was nowadays making their way to the ways in the stadium-seating theatre.The gunman, witnesses may say later, walked little by little as he arbitrarily fired during people. The person shot within those who was up in addition to tried to run away, some believed. He golf shot at people today as they sitting in their easy chair, said people.Suspect experienced 'obvious intellectual capacity'She served her device to name 911 then again hid that after it all lit up, fearing the gunman may well see it and additionally open open fire in her area.Goose saw customers, including a colleague, run towards the hallway that worked as one of the main entrances and also exits for any theater. A number of were wounded.It was A dozen:40 your.m. if police to begin with arrived at all the theater, along with one police radioing: "I've got men and women running out of any theater have been shot."Another stated: "Got a person who was hit in the face."Then this dispatcher orders "all offered units to answer the live entertainment."With song and even prayer, victims usually are remembered'Play dead'Seeger pulled himself out from underneath the seats together with peered over the car seats to see all of the gunman walking in the steps all the way to the back of show.For a moment, typically the shooting stops. Seeger said it shown up he ran out of ammunition and had been either reloading or getting a further gun.That it was then the lady told consumers around her to help "make a perform for it."But for the reason that people launched crawling and also, in some cases, operating toward any exit, the actual gunman turned as well as began taking pictures on them."Lay downwards, be particularly still. Enjoy dead," she informed people because the crawled once more toward your girlfriend. "He won't blast people the guy already is convinced are lifeless."Remembering victims because of photosOutside, by Twelve month period:42 a new.m., cops were bordering the multiplex and other officers happen to be making its way on to the live entertainment where a particular smelled what this individual described in the radio like pepper spew."Get us a number of damn petrol masks regarding Theater In search of, we can't enter," among the many officers says.Inside the live entertainment, Seeger lay on to the floor and performed dead.From a nearby short period, Goose was trying to figure out how to get out. People were really trying to flee, and the gunman had been shooting.In the dark, with the gunman moving toward the back of all the theater, Goose indexed across the section -- to another row of bicycle seats near the escape. It was the same location a friend for hers was expected to sit as long as they couldn't find seats together.But when she eliminated the section, she came onto a male in the short period who had been photo in the scalp. "He was grazed nonetheless bleeding quite a bit," your woman said.U.S. troops among afflicted people of shootingBodies in aislesAs suddenly given that the shooting started off, it completed. The gunman vanished.People, a few soaked in blood, developed running for that main leave.Goose helped typically the wounded person out of the live theater, while Seeger preferred herself together off the floor and then surveyed all the carnage. There were system in the aisle, and people slumped over in car seats who on top appeared to be dry.Nearby, the woman thought been told a man "mumbling, nonetheless alive.In . She looked his rhythm, her workout as an disaster medical professional kicking in.He was in fact alive, nonetheless barely.Their friend begged her, even screamed at the girl to leave all of the theater. But Seeger couldn't. Not yet.Seeger grabbed the man under his or her arms and tried to drag him outside the row connected with seats, all the way to the escape.Suddenly, there was clearly screaming. Moviegoers had been saying all of the gunman had taken back.Seeger was made to flee, instructed to leave the man behind.Police chief: Think bought in excess of 6,500 rounds regarding ammunition via Internet'The Joker'The gunman, though, was gone.Goose, Seeger and others might not be sure the way the shooter received out of the live entertainment, whether they went through all of the emergency withdraw or many other door.Out in the open, in the back parking lot of the theater, officers radio within 12:Fouthy-six a.mirielle. that they had saw a man what individuals matched all of the description given by people who experienced fled any theater."We've acquired rifles, propane gas mask. He is detained," one police officer radioed. "I've got a door starting the concert."The gunman identified very little to arresting officials as "the Snake oil salesman," a law enforcement professional later proclaimed.Opinion: Will any of us feel safer in a market anymore?From inside the theater, located at about the same instance, another radio station dispatch: "I have to have someone to close up this dvd movie off. Make them shut the film off when it comes to 9."Were everyone there or simply do you have opinion of the snapping shots? Share your own story on the subject of CNN iReport.CNN's Dan Foreman, Phil Gast, Don Red, Ed Lavandera, Barbara Candiotti and Mariano Castillo led to this state.

Movie massacre: 'Oh my God, this is really happening'