2008-04-27 10:04:41賣花陳
I’m a writer for Torontoist, a Gothamist website devoted to (natch) the city of Toronto. I’m running an article on Frank Thomas in, uh, 45 minutes; I know this is REALLY last-minute, but I was wondering if I might be able to use your picture of Thomas for the article? If not (or if you don’t get this time!) then no worries, but figured it’d be worth a shot! Hope you’re having a great day. :)
Take care,
原來他是相中我在Flickr所貼的一張棒球選手照片,希望能拿來輔佐他的體育專欄報導,老實說他並沒給我費用,只是把我Flickr的「藝名Angel Blue」張貼而已,報導詳見 http://torontoist.com/2008/04/doubting_thomas.php。儘管如此,內心還是有幾分安慰,打從來美國定居之後,接過的案子不算少,曾經幫FORD汽車公司製作產品型錄的文案,也替一間Giant Robot的美國雜誌寫篇英文稿,能夠受到「外國專業」的肯定,還真的蠻高興,尤其最後收到完稿的滿足感,真是筆墨難以形容。
Dear Sir,
Saw your nice amazing photo ! Fantastic shot ! Love it !
Can I have your permission to use it on my website ?
You may view my website at www.uptown-e.com
Cheers !
Hi Angel_Blue,
Here’s a personal note from Rob Peters:
We’re running a news story about Sony’s new Rolly robot, and I thought your photo would be a great addition. Would you be interested in sharing it?
In case you haven’t heard of us, NowPublic is a participatory news website. Please let me know if you have any questions. The requested photo(s) will appear as thumbnails when you follow the link.
I’d also encourage you to comment on the article (after following the link) if you have opinions on the topic. It will appear as a comment beneath the article (and NOT as a caption to the photo)
Take care,
I’m a writer for Torontoist, a Gothamist website devoted to (natch) the city of Toronto. I’m running an article on Frank Thomas in, uh, 45 minutes; I know this is REALLY last-minute, but I was wondering if I might be able to use your picture of Thomas for the article? If not (or if you don’t get this time!) then no worries, but figured it’d be worth a shot! Hope you’re having a great day. :)
Take care,
原來他是相中我在Flickr所貼的一張棒球選手照片,希望能拿來輔佐他的體育專欄報導,老實說他並沒給我費用,只是把我Flickr的「藝名Angel Blue」張貼而已,報導詳見 http://torontoist.com/2008/04/doubting_thomas.php。儘管如此,內心還是有幾分安慰,打從來美國定居之後,接過的案子不算少,曾經幫FORD汽車公司製作產品型錄的文案,也替一間Giant Robot的美國雜誌寫篇英文稿,能夠受到「外國專業」的肯定,還真的蠻高興,尤其最後收到完稿的滿足感,真是筆墨難以形容。
Dear Sir,
Saw your nice amazing photo ! Fantastic shot ! Love it !
Can I have your permission to use it on my website ?
You may view my website at www.uptown-e.com
Cheers !
Hi Angel_Blue,
Here’s a personal note from Rob Peters:
We’re running a news story about Sony’s new Rolly robot, and I thought your photo would be a great addition. Would you be interested in sharing it?
In case you haven’t heard of us, NowPublic is a participatory news website. Please let me know if you have any questions. The requested photo(s) will appear as thumbnails when you follow the link.
I’d also encourage you to comment on the article (after following the link) if you have opinions on the topic. It will appear as a comment beneath the article (and NOT as a caption to the photo)
Take care,
2008-04-28 14:21:40
2008-04-29 11:40:12