2004-07-08 18:40:22尚未設定

我參加義大利的"進香團" festa in caporciano

什麼事讓我在神父旁 轟然大笑
what made me laugh so hard next to the Father?

神父: 你都餵alfonso吃啥麼?
F: what do u give alfonso to eat?

我: 所有的東西

神父: (搖頭歎氣) 媽媽咪呀!
F: (shook head and said sigh) mamma mia!

以上對話 絕對真實(the dialogue above is real)

義大利不像台灣 到處有的逛有的玩有的吃
italy is not like taiwan, u can go shopping ,play, eat everywhere

從很久以前 他們的祖先發明了festival (我亂編的 不是不要打我)
a long long time ago, their ancestors invented "festa" (dont be so serious ,its only a story)

儘管是小小的鄉村 都有一個或數個教堂 藉宗教之名 行玩樂之實
even though its a small village, they still have 1 or several churches
using religion's name in order to have fun?!

從白天的進香環繞全村 中午的豐盛午餐 到晚上的樂隊相伴舞蹈
from morning people walk all around the village with the statue, to the big lunch ,till the little concert in the late evening, and people dancing all around in the square

caporciano 每年夏天都有2天的節慶
every summer, there is a 2-day festa in caporciano

我全數參加 為的絕不是表現我有意成為教徒 而是新鮮好奇感
i participated all, not to show i want to be one of followers but only cuz the curiosity

第一天是 s. pietro 大家集合在山上 扛著雕像 隨著樂隊 念著祈禱辭 走向山下的s.pietro教堂
the first day: the day of s.pietro
everybody gathered around on the top of the mountain
carrying the statue, following the music, saying the prayers, walked down to the church

在教堂做完彌薩 再走令一條路 回到山上把雕像放好
had a mass then another way to go up, and put back the statue

第二天是s. benedetto 加上 對在戰爭死去的人表示敬意
the second day is for s.benedetto, plus the crown ceremony for those people died in the WW2

從山下到山上 山上到山下 山下到山上
walk again from down to up, up to down, down to up

我從沒參加台灣的進香團隊伍 這次 邊走 有神像 有旗幟 有禱辭 有樂隊 有檀香
i hardly participate any religion events in taiwan
this time while walking, statue,flag, prayers,music band,perfume of incense

阿 我好像回到台灣了
ah......i feel like home....