2004-03-31 17:40:20尚未設定


before i saw this movie i heard about someone is dead cuz watching it

i saw it cuz alfonso said its a great movie

看之前我不太明白名字(the passion of christ)的意思
i didnt know the meaning of the english name

內容真的很紅 紅紅的一片
the only thing i remember well is RED,all RED

then alf told me its his last 12 hours

雖然我略知一二 但仍無準備接受那一片的紅
although i heard about the story before
but i wasnt prepared to see all that red bloody things

why jesus had to take all those tortures?

因為上帝不喜歡人類 所以要他為人類承受一切的苦
cuz the god didnt like men
so jesus had to take all for all the human beings

why buddha and mohammed didnt need to be beaten?

這真是一個悲哀的宗教 不是嗎
dont u think its a sad religion cuz their god suffered so much at the beginning?

看完後 他還建議再去看大銀幕的
after the 2 hours torture, alf suggested to see it in cinema

為什麼要花錢活受罪呢 不懂
why we have to spend to feel bad?

PS 古代的人真的很恐怖
ancient people they are really cruel