2004-02-09 13:40:15尚未設定

我住在長度 I live in Lunghezza

我們 (我和Alfonso)住在Lunghezza, 義大利文的意思就是"長度"
alfonso and I live in lunghezza which means "lenghth" in italian

它位在羅馬東邊的市郊 是一個新開發的地方
its in the surburb of east rome, a new developping district

mall 道路 學校 和辦公室都在建蓋中
malls, streets, schools and offices r all on the way of building

為什麼是這個名字 我沒問alfonso
why lunghezza this name, i didnt ask alfonso

但隔壁5分鐘車程的小城 叫castelverde 綠城堡
but just 5 mins away , the small town is called "castelverde"
the green castel

由此可知 以我的推論 就是沒名字可取了
from this, im sure its cuz they couldnt find any other names

actuelly we r still a little far from the real lunghezza

我們住的地方 大家都說是"小長度" Lunghezzina
the place we live everybody says its lugnezzina (little lenghth)

方圓3分鐘路程 只有一家bar 以外就是馬路了
around the place we live, there is only one bar
then u will find roads only

還好還有一班公車已那作為起點 到最近的metro車站大概要快一個小時的車程
fortunately, there is one bus start point,
it connects to the nearest metro station in 1 hour

所以我都有位子坐 它也成為我和外界連結的唯一方法
so i always have the seat for this long journey
and its the only way i can go to downtown

at least before i know how to drive

當然開個5分鐘的車 我們可以綠城堡去
of course just five minutes we can drive to castelverde

那有一些餐廳 商店 披薩店 和超市
there r some restos ,shops ,pizza shops and supermarkets

so its not too inconvenient after all

而且就在我們家巷口竟有一家disco "luna discoteca"=moon discotheque
just next to the main road, there was a moon discotheque

週末晚上才開 他們不擾民 我也沒去過
they open only on the weekends, there is no loud noises and i have never been there

in the new year's eve , i saw many young people went there

為什麼有家舞廳在住宅區裡 我也沒問 還蠻怪的
but why there is one discotheque in the resident place
i feel wierd

早上5點多 通常隔棟鄰居養的雞就會咕咕叫
at 5 in the morning , there is a rooster in the neighborhood always CuCUCU

但是它其他時間也會叫 晚上也會 所以一點都不準
but its not punctual cuz it CUCUCU all the time

9點多就有鴿子拍打房間外的木片窗 把我叫醒
and at 9 am there will be birds (or doves) use their wings to flap the wood window to wake me up

當然我只會稍微拉開窗戶 把他們嚇走 然後繼續睡大頭覺
so i have to get up and open a little the window then continue my sleep

因此我們家的陽台要打掃 會有乾掉的鴿子屎
for this reason , we have to clean the balconies from time to time
cuz their "poopoo" (cacca)

下午時 客廳外的景色是一片青綠 配上好天時的藍色天空
in the afternoon, u can see the green field from the living room
with the blue sky in the good weather

和遠方模糊的高山 常常我會坐在沙發上 發上一陣子的呆
and the mountains far away , i generally feel lost for this great view

有次 我發著發著呆 青青綠草竟在左邊多了一點黑點
one time while i was totally blank in mind
the green field suddenly appeared a black dot from the left side

慢慢的就有一顆乳牛頭出現 然後身體 然後 2隻3隻 變成一群
then slowly came the cow's head then the body
then the whole bunch of them

沒錯 那是乳牛們活動的場所 就在我家前面
thats right, the green field is the cows' playground, just right in front of our windown

有時他們會走近點 感覺就像是拜訪農場
sometimes they walk closer , u can see them clearly, its like u visit farmhouse

當然也不時會聽到狗聲雞聲乳牛聲綿羊或山羊聲 相信夏天會更壯觀
and usually u can hear the cow's moomoo dog's woof woof(wonwon)
rooster's cucucu and sheep's mehemehee
i believe there will be more different sounds in summer

走遠一點 也有人飼養馬
farther, there r horses too

its really new, totally new for me

要申明一點 儘管這麼多動物在身邊 並不髒亂 也不臭
and i have to add this, although lots of animals around,
they dont create bad smell or trash

附近的房子多是3到2層的公寓 我們住的也是3層樓的
in this area, most of the houses r 2 or 3 floors
we live in the 2 floor(3f for taiwan)

那一棟住的是一家人 前屋主是他們的女兒
the building is belonged to one family
the apartment we live in was their daughter's

因為需要大一點的空間 所以賣給了我們
they sold it to us cuz they need a bigger space for 4

一進門的左邊第一間是書房兼客房 左邊第二間是我們的房間
when u enter the apartment, the first room on the left is a study and a guestroom, the second room on the left is our room

正對門口是廚房 接著右轉 第一間是小小的儲藏室
the room face to the door is the kitchen then turn right
the first little room ont hte right is a storage

再來是浴室 正對面是客廳
then the second on the right is bathroom
the the room in front of u is the living room

之前我對格局有點不滿 哪有人客廳最後 房間先
before i didnt like the bedrooms come first then finally the living room

但還是等自己買房再說吧 現在有一個家已經很好了
but better we save it when we buy a house by ourselves
its great to have an apartment all for us for now

整個家在搬進去時 除了廚房和浴室是完整的 其他都是空的
when they started to move things inside
only the kitchen and the bathroom were completed
others were totally empty

到現在 我們家還是只有浴室和廚房最漂亮
till now , kitchen and the bathroom r still the best part of the house

廚房有個璧爐 和整套的廚櫃 大體來說 小巧而溫馨
the kitchen has a chimney and a whole set of cupboard
its little but beautiful

浴室大的跟旅館一樣 我們覺得啦 有一間淋浴間和一個浴盆 連洗衣機也在裡面
the bathroom for us is like th eone in the hotel
a shower and a bathtub even with a laundry machine

房間的超大衣櫥和客廳的沙發 都是等我到時 才去選的
the wall-like wardrobe in the bedroom and the sofa for 3
the family kindly waited for my arrival then chose them

with the big sofa lamp from caporciano

和在我離開前 mammaa買 babbo裝的窗廉 相信客廳也越來越有看頭
and the curtain in the living room which was fixed some days before my departure, with more and more things, i believe it will become a great living room as well

套句alfonso的話 有一個房子 已經很好了 至於格局和裝潢如何 真的不重要
quoted sth alfonso said to me while fighting,
"its already a miracle to have an apartment all for us, as for the deco and the rooms, they r really not important"