2023-02-02 08:12:40demibull

Robin Zebaida | 音樂

2020「李斯特紀念獎」國際鋼琴公開賽全球線上選拔賽報名火熱進行中,眾多評委嘉賓也對本次活動十分期待,英國著名鋼琴家Robin Zebaida發來了他想對各位選手說的話~讓我們一起來看!

「Music has always been central to my life, and I』ve always found that,especially in difficult times, while words can easily clutter my head and bother me, music has the ability to clear out my mind and soothe me.」

「音樂一直是我人生的核心。我一直發現,尤其是在困難時期。言語很容易使我頭腦混亂,使我困擾,但音樂卻能夠使我頭腦清醒 讓我感到安心。」

「I’m delighted to be invited again to join the panel, at the 2020 Liszt memorial prizes piano open competition. It will be the sixth year in a row that I have been on the panel of adjudicators for this competition. 」
