2012-10-25 00:44:44輕如飛燕

First Spanish Class in CCLC

So Ashley has been in day care since this past Monday, and she seems pretty comfortable of being there. Ruby went to visit her when she took Ami to school, and she came to Ashley's class to say hi to her. "She was smiling at me, she is doing good!" said Ruby.

Her teacher, Miss Liza, told us about her first Spanish class when we picked her up. 

Yesterday, Ashley had her first Spanish class, and teachers were so looking forward to see her reaction. Class is 30 minutes long, and baby Ashley fall asleep right after Spanish teacher came in..........T_T
Miss Liza was like.. are you for real? please do not sleep. 
But Ashley just seemed so sleepy, and fall into deep deep sleep.  Ashley even pooped during class, she didn't cry, but Miss Liza smell it. Miss Liza help to change diaper, and was hoping she can wake up, Still, she refused to open her eyes...... 
Ashley woke up right after Spanish teacher left the class. and then being active again to look around, smile at people.

What a student! Such a bad record. 

Andy borrowed a Spanish CD from CCLC library after the talking with Miss Liza. We need to make up the class, since we've missed it!

Baby Ashley, daddy and mommy paid a lot for your tuition, please do not fall asleep during class, ok? 


我們去接Ashley的時候,Miss Liza都會跟我們說一些關於Ashley今天發生的事情。
Miss Liza一直想辦法叫Ashley起床,但是Ashley睡的非常的好,就如同每次我們餵他奶,他喝一喝不想喝了一樣,那種怎麼樣都叫不醒的程度。

Andy從學校圖書館借了西班牙文的CD.. 我們跟老師說,既然他沒有上到課,我們會回家補課的。



下一篇:Andy is a good daddy