2004-07-14 04:01:21Debby & Maurice

Debby & Maurice in Joyce's Eye!!

I saw Joyce's name @ quite some msg boards, but didn't talk/meet her in person till the gathering on 4/24, a rainy chilly day.

She wrote down the details of that day; you may see them from the link below, now i just quote the part abt us, which we think it's far too good from the truth!!

Thank you, Joyce, it's our pleasure to know you and Andrew.

Also thanks to Karen, for inviting us to have a good time, and all the friends we meet there!!


她也是明日報的台長,那天帶了她定居德國有一段時日的法籍先生一塊參加。當天Debby給我的第一個感覺是,一個相當相當熱情的女人,就有如她那鮮紅色的上衣一樣(這也是我最愛的顏色之一)。^ ^
那時,因為發現有個會說法文的人在場,就叫安德魯去過去坐Maurice先生旁邊,因為在台灣能碰到一個會說法文的朋友,也真屬難得。後來聽Debby說,Maurice已在德國居住了二十年,安德魯直呼,能讓一個引以自身文化為傲的法國人,離開國家去另一國度生活,真屬難得。尤其是我和安德魯還覺得,Maurice先生散發出一種,濃濃的法國貴族氣息味。我還跟對安德魯說,Maurice給我的感覺有點像,能和法國總統席哈克交上朋友的那種人,因為他顯的好貴氣喔!那Debby不就是那貴婦唷~ ^ ^

Joyce's site: http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/news/0609/

PIC: from the gathering, different from the one Joyce got!!

Front: Karen's son, Karen, Candy, Debby, Joyce
Back: Ann, Cynthia, Cynthia, Cody, WaWa