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多益考試 美美語 page 中文意思是什麼

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page 中文意思是什麼

page 解釋

n. 名詞 佩奇〈姓氏〉。

n. 名詞 1. 頁〈略作 p. 〉;【印刷】一頁版面;【計算機】網頁。

2. (報刊的)專頁,專欄。

3. 〈詩〉〈修〉〈常 pl. 〉紀錄,書,年史。

4. (值得記的)插話;事件。

vt. 及物動詞 給…標頁數,標記…的頁碼。

vi. 不及物動詞 翻書頁。

n. 名詞 1. 小聽差,小侍從,侍童;〈美國〉(侍候國會議員的)服務員。

2. 王室侍從官員。國小英文學習網站 英文家教 新竹

3. 【英文老師 英文單字發音 學習英文會話歷史】見習騎士。

vi. 不及物動詞 當聽差。

vt. 及物動詞 1. 侍候,給…當聽差。

2. 〈美國〉(在旅館、俱樂部等處)侍者叫名找(人)。

vt. 及物動詞 1. 【無線電】用無線電訊號與(某人)聯系。

2. 用電子遙控器調節(電器)。

n. 名詞 -r 【無線電】播叫機〈一種袖珍電子裝置,作通訊聯系用〉。

  • page: n 佩奇〈姓氏〉。n 1 頁〈略作 p 〉;【印刷】一頁版面;【計算機】網頁。2 (報刊的)專頁,專欄。3 〈...

  • She wore flat heels and looked like a page out of an old album of early woman suffrage days.

  • On the penultimate blank page of a book of inferior literary style, entitled sweets of sin produced by bloom and so manipulated that its front cover came in contact with the surface of the table with a pencil supplied by stephen stephen wrote the irish characters for gee, eh, dee, em, simple and modified, and bloom in turn wrote the hebrew characters ghimel, aleph, daleth and in the absence of mem a substituted goph, explaining their arithmetical values as ordinal and cardinal numbers, videlicet 3, 1, 4 and 100

    在用低俗文學體裁寫的一本題名偷情的快樂的書是布盧姆掏出來的,他擺得很巧妙,使封面和桌面接觸那底封前倒數第二張空白襯頁上,斯蒂芬用一管鉛筆斯蒂芬提供的以簡略體與裝飾體寫下相當于g a d m的愛爾蘭語字母117 。布盧姆則寫下希伯來字母ghimel aleph daleth和qoph這是用來代替所缺的mem的。他還說明,這些字母作為序數及基數的算數值,各自代表三一四及一百118 。
  • The result of sds - page certificated the method 6 % octanoic acid combined with ammonium sulfate got the highest purity, the next was alginic acid sodium combined ammonium sulfate

    Sds - page和低壓層析的結果證明,用6辛酸?硫酸銨法提取igy的純度最好,其次是海藻酸鈉?硫酸銨法。
  • Following this reference yields a pretty liberal license, except for the ominous footer : " information in this document is subject to change without notice. " the fact that the license is not written into the product, but is asserted by reference to a web page that can be changed at any time, raises the specter of a possible trojan horse play where cxml is spread through the industry and then its owner stated as ariba in the license can make a sly play for juicy profits, or cut down a competitor, by moving the licensing goalposts

    ( 「 information in this document is subject to change without notice 。 」 )許可證並未寫入到產品中,而是通過到可能會隨時更改的web頁面的引用進行維護的這一事實,引發了對可能的特洛伊木馬活動的憂慮,那就是cxml在業界傳播,然後它的擁有者(就象許可證中所聲明的ariba )通過移動許可發放「門柱」來暗中想方設法獲利,或者削弱競爭對手。
  • He held the page aslant patiently, bending his senses and his will, his soft subject gaze at rest. the crooked skirt swinging whack by whack by whack. the porkbutcher snapped two sheets from the pile, wrapped up her prime sausages and made a red grimace


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    page 中文意思是什麼
      英語會話教學 國際英文檢定 英文補習班老師兒童英語教學 英檢初級報名 英語教學中心英文家教 一對一 外師家教英文會話家教 全民英檢初級成績查詢如何學習英語 推薦臺中英文家教老師兒童英語教學 自學英語英文分班 全民英檢中級題庫 英文家教中心英文補習班 幼兒美語 線上英文單字多益考試 美美語英文家教中心 全民英檢高級 新聞英文
