2016-07-08 12:17:52darylt730rf

看youtube學英文 英語會話一對一 kean eye on him中文意思是什麼

    多益獎金 法文家教台北 全民英檢初級複試一對一英文家教老師 英文自學方法全民英檢網站 商務英文會話家教網 英文寫作家教 學英文 影片師資培訓班 學習課程上班學英文 看ted學英文 40歲學英語 絕對來得及全民英檢成績查詢 線上英文教學英語課程 中文家教網



kean eye on him中文意思是什麼

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  • kean: Kean(e)Edmund 埃德蒙基恩〈1787-1833,英國男演員〉。
  • eye: n (pl eyes 〈古語〉 eyen )1 眼睛,目。 blind in one eye =lose an eye 一目失明。 compound eyes ...
  • on: adv 1 〈接觸、覆蓋〉上去;開(opp off)。 turn on the light [radio water gas] 開電燈[收音機、自來...
  • him: pron 1 〈he 的賓格〉他。2 〈口語〉〈用作表語〉= he 3 〈古語〉〈強勢,反身用法〉= himself That s...

  • And topaz went to keep an eye on him

  • Whichever chef is in charge of that particular session will always stand right by the pass with not just a beady eye on what is being handed to him but also a cloth and a small amount of water mixed with vinegar with which to wipe the rim of any less than perfect plate

  • Do you fix your eye on such a one ? will you bring him before you for judgment

  • - what do you mean ? - you gotta keep your eye on him

    -你是什麼意思? -你要小心的看著他
  • " frank told the club about nicklas a long time ago and i have also told them it is看youtube學英文 英語會話一對一 important to keep a close eye on him in the coming years, " nielsen told the mirror


    kean college, kean college of new jersey, kean ear to the ground, keana, keanae, keanakolu

    kean eye on him中文意思是什麼
      線上多益 免費英語學習 基礎英語會話英文進修 學習英文 全民英檢中高級考古題高中英文教材 旅遊英文書多益線上學習 補習老師 英文學講英文 美語評價新竹英文補習班推薦 台南學英文toeic多益單字 全民英檢網路報名免費英文app 商業英檢全民英檢線上測驗 英文聽說訓練全民英檢中高級初試 台中英文家教 線上英文發音
