2016-05-29 15:42:30darylt730rf

全 民英檢 一生必學的英文發音規則 virulent antigen中文意思是什麼

    免費英文學習 英文家教外籍 找英文家教小孩學英文 托福 補習線上英文學習網 線上英文學習網 專業英語外籍英文家教網 商務英文成人美語補習班 新竹英文進修 聽 學英文網上免費學英文 英檢成績 全民英檢初試一對一英文教學 看圖學英文單字美語教學 中文學習教材 中文學習 app



virulent antigen中文意思是什麼

virulent antigen解釋


  • virulent: adj. 1. 有劇毒的,致死的,有毒害的。2. 病毒的,致病性強的;惡性的。3. 有惡意的,惡毒的。adv. -ly
  • antigen: n. 【醫學】抗原。

  • This points clinical conclusion seven on the advisability of keeping antigen loads to a minimum in individuals who have already existing allergic or hypersensitivity disease in the lungs.

  • Experimental studies on the detection of antibodies of human verminsis by angleworm antigen inhibitory dot - elisa

    師大英語文中心 全英語教學英文 抗體陰性反應血清再檢測的研究
  • Construction, expression and purification of his - hmgb1 and novel antigen in autoimmune hepatitis

  • A rabbit was infected with a cloned yntatl, blood was collecting from from the rabbit every 3 days after infection within 30 days, 10 clonal trypanosome populations were gotten, infecting a new rabbit by the last non - cloned trypanosome population. repeated above all, thus infected 5 rabbits sequentially. twenty different vats ( variant antigen type ) were monitored and characterized from those fifty mono - clonal populations by indirect immunofluorescence test ( ift ) and avidin biotin enzyme immunoassay ( abc - eia )

    用伊氏錐蟲雲南水牛單克隆株yntat1感染兔,感染后30天內,每3天從兔血中分離錐蟲並單蟲克隆,最後一個未單蟲克隆的蟲株感染另一隻兔,重復以上操作,這樣順序感染5隻兔子,共獲得50個單克隆錐蟲種群( tp ) ,經間接免疫熒光和abc酶標試驗鑒定共為20個抗原性互不相同的抗原變異體( vats ) 。
  • Finally, avirulent and virulent plant, bacteria of pseudomonas solanaceanim was investigated by chromatography. the result showed that there are two peaks when both bacteria was eluted, but their peak area ratio was quite different. when virulent bacteria was subject to chromatography after vibration by ultrasonic wave, both chromatographial behaviors of both avirulent and virulent pseudomonas solanaceanim were same basically, which showed a equilibrial peak and a eluting one

    最後,表徵了植物病原菌? ?青枯菌的強、弱致病菌株,結果顯示強、弱菌都有兩個洗脫峰,但峰面積比例有明顯的差異,強弱致病菌株經振蕩后,其色譜行為基本相似,表現為一個穿透峰和一個洗脫峰。

    virulence test, virulency, virulent - salubrious, virulent免費英文課 免費線上教學 英文學習計畫 bacteria, virulent bacteriophage, virunga

    virulent antigen中文意思是什麼
      全民英檢gept 兒童英文班英文網站推薦 免費學英文會話美語補習班 tutorabc英文雜誌比較 線上學英文 全民英檢中高級考古題會話的英文 外籍老師家教 多益 托福 雅思情境英文會話 日語課學外語 用英文不用學英文 看新聞學英語英文家教時薪 高中英文家教全 民英檢 一生必學的英文發音規則英檢網 全民英檢初級複試成績 家教中心
