2003-10-14 03:33:14右二

The National Holiday of Taiwan – Double Tenth

In 1911, Dr. Sun Yetsen, and his partners overthrew the Ching Dynasty and established a democratic government – Republic Of China. It was on the day of double tenth that we commemorate the birth of ROC. After being defeated by the China Communist Party in 1949, KMT, the ROC government party, withdrew the military from China Mainland, and moved to Taiwan with ten thousands of Chinese people. The KMT government still remained ROC as the nationality of Taiwan because they wanted to fight back to govern the big country again. Unfortunately, they failed in several battles in early 50’s and started ruling Taiwan people from then on.

Strictly speaking, Double Tenth is the National Holiday of ROC, which was born in China but grew up in Taiwan, and the nationality issue is still ambiguous to Taiwan people. In order to have a clear identity in the world village, we need to figure out our nationality. It has nothing to do with political affairs but patriotic support. Whether Double Tenth is the National Holiday of Taiwan or of ROC, its meaning is more important than its wording; that is - Taiwan is an independent country.

After a serious statement, let’s talk about something soft. I had a special experience on Double Tenth in my senior high school. I was one of the honor guard members and had been in National Day parade to display showy movement of wooden gun in front of the Presidential Palace. Every time when I recalled the experience, I felt exciting and honorable although it was 10 years ago.

Anyway, I love Double Tenth.