2003-10-05 02:19:25右二

i don't believe in love, do I ?

This is a practice.

I mean a writing ability practice for the coming IELTS and British life.
So exciting , isn't it?
Yah, especially feel excited when realize what i really want in life , love , and myself.

Paul told me to start writing in top-down strategy which means to start from big picture to details.
So, let's take "i don't believe in love, do I?" as the first practice diary.

Is it possible to love somebody for more than continuous three-year and even love much more?
Someone Romeo&Juliet-like would say "YES"; nevertheless i could hardly agree.

"Give me a reason that you don't agree." you say, with wondering expression, after i told you we just celebrated my 28th birthday and made love crazily beneath the sky few days ago.

It's neither about sex , nor any kind of substance .
It is about CONCEPT.
Total different views of wealth which makes us feel free in our life and has decision making power in our own.
He said i was stocked , but i returned to him as being limited.
He said i always be a proplem maker, but i chanllenged him the ability to succeed until problems solved.

Everyone has problems like mine, and he could never recruit someone who nods unceasingly without asking questions, especially being asked to devote himself to such holy career.

Do not look everything straight.
The world is more complicated than you can imagine.
This is what made the gap between us so great that we can not hear and see each other, not mention to touch of face , lips, even fingertips.

Love is tied with passion , understanding and considering and all of three seemed to diminish gradually after time went by.

Maybe i should correct the subject as

"I don't believe in ETERNAL love, do I? "