2010-09-11 11:15:13Amour



當鴿子哭泣                            When the pigeon cried


當火球燃燒天際                        When the fired ball burning into the sky,

當惡魔現出面具                        When the devil turning into a mask like,

當掩埋代替呻吟                        When the burial instead of mourning,

當恐懼迷漫於天與地                    When the fear was all over the ground,   

當親人永別於自由女神之前              When beloved farewells permanently in

當愛已無法戰勝                         front of the Liberty,

當鴿子哭泣時                           When love was defeated,

                                       When the pigeon cried.




~獻給”911恐怖事件無辜受難者          <In the memory of “911 attack”.>

