The Bone Garden
在美國的那段時間,買了一本新書—The Bone Garden。很多個月之前,在誠品喵到過這一本書,當時就很想買來看。這次剛好在一家書店的Outlet以9折的價格買到。其實沒有確定會比較便宜,但是想來總不會比較貴吧。因為這個小衝動,把看ㄧ半的To Kill A Mockingbird擱了下來。The Bone Garden故事開始一個失婚的女老師買下一個獨居老婦遺留下的老屋,然後他在老屋的庭院中,挖到了ㄧ付在1830年左右被謀殺年輕女人的骨骸。藉此,作者帶領讀者進入一個距離1百多年前、充滿懸疑、緊張的故事。故事牽扯謀殺、愛情、親情、人性、社會階級、道德、醫德等等層面。據了解作者Tess Gerritsen具有完整的醫學訓練背景。他在故事當中詳細描述了各種血腥的診斷、解剖等等景況。雖然有些醫學專有名詞我沒有完全的了解,但是也看的我不住反胃、頭皮發麻。在種種緊張懸疑的情節中,讓我忍不住熬夜把剩下的半本讀完。雖然結局有些失望,但是總的來說,還是ㄧ部很精彩的小說。
It was back in 1830
It was back in my garden
Your soul was drifting on the bank of the river
Your voice was lingering in the air
It was love that you died for
It is strength that I long for
It was your love gave life to hope
It is your love gives me the strength of love
It was a deadly strike
It was an unspoken horror
Not the horror of death
But the horror of leaving behind
There was a hope to hold on
There was a life to share and love
When the hope and the life were gone in vain
Only a whispering voice still echoes in the air
It is a story must be told
It is a secret must be unfold
When the skeleton surfaced
The secret was revealed
It was a secret of viciousness
It was a revenge of righteousness
It is a triumph of love