2004-12-09 10:02:53Dolphin 藍色小海豚

what does it mean? I don''t know...

I saw a picture in my spirit world when I worship God...
but I can't understand what does it mean clearly...

It seens like a great teacher (GOD?) is sitting in front of me,
and a person is lying on the ground.
He's dying and crying for help (not physically but in spirit)..
There are heavy dark and stinky smoke around his body.
Then, the great teacher told (not by language) me to put my hand in his heart.
I did it.
Then He pour the lights (the energy of life) through me, and then I pour the lights into the dying man's heart.

It was all in silence and I feel no evil but peacefully.

I was so camly, and knew he was healed somehow.....