2012-05-04 00:18:59daisy


十九、A teacher affects eternity

       He can never tell where his influence stops

                                Henry B Adams

      老師的影響永無止境 無人可知影響到何處結束

廿、Hide not your talents

    What is a sun-dial in the shade

                            Benjamin Franklin

    不要隱藏你的天分 在陰影中怎能顯現出日晷的價值

廿一、It takes as much energy to wish as it does to plan.

                        Eleanor Roosevelt


廿二、Do not go where the path may leas;

      Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.

    不要走上與大家相同的路;要勇於踏上一條沒有人行痕跡的小路   或者是沒有路徑的道路

廿三、Imagination is the highest kite one can fly.

                          Lauren Bacall


廿四、Patience and passage of time do more than strength or passion.

                                   Jean  La  Fontaine


廿五、To infinity and beyond.

                    Buzz Lightyeaar


廿六、Some Succeed because they are destined to;

    Most succeed because they are determined to.

                              Anatole France


廿七、Be not afraid of growing slowly, be afraid of only standing still.

                                          Chinese proverb


廿八、Success is getting what you want; happiness is wanting what you get.

                                               Dale Camegie


廿九、The shell must break before the bird can fly.

                            Alfred, Lord Tennyson


三十、Behold the turtle. He makes progress only when he sticks his neck out.

                                       James B, Conant


三十一、When just about everything is coming your way,

you’re obviously in the wrong lane.



三十二、Wise man: One who sees the storm coming before the clouds appear.

                                             Edgar Watson Howe


三十三、Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again,

        This time more intelligently.

                           Henry ford


三十四、Learn to Listen.  Opportunity sometimes knocks very softly.

            H. Jackson Brown Jr.

      學會傾聽 機會的敲門聲有時很細微

三十五、The man who graduates today and stops learning tomorrow

 is uneducated the day after.

                              Newton D. Baker


三十六、Men’s mind, once stretched by a new idea,

never regains its original dimensions.

            Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.
