2008-07-25 11:08:32Diane

July 24 Shaving cream fun!

(picture: me and Jacob)

July 24

Today I played shaving cream. I built a shaving cream castle.
I put some saving cream on my hand, and it looks like my hand has snow on it.

I also put some shaving cream on the table, and used my fingers to draw and write on it.

What I like best is shaving cream castle, because I can keep taking more and more shaving cream to build my castle higher and higher. My castle is special, and I will remember it forever!
某人 2012-10-09 08:36:28

sorry 我看到你小時後的照片了 哈哈 還蠻可愛的

嘿嘿:p 2012-11-17 12:42:16