2004-05-20 14:26:06guess

Within Temptation-Never-ending Story

Within Temptation是一支非常出色的荷兰gothic金属乐队,你一听就知其实力不凡。他们吸取前辈The Gathering的悠扬气氛作风,进一步专注于乐曲的情感呈现,并以女主唱Sharon仙乐般缥缈动人的音色为主轴,辅以气势恢宏的管弦配乐以及圣颂般的层叠人声,非常具有感染力。唯有锋芒毕露的重金属吉他以及粗暴的鼓鸣在提醒听者这不是New Age,而是暴戾黑暗的哥特金属。而Sharon的歌声在被失真器扭曲得如野兽嘶吼的男声配唱下显得尤为美妙感人,而音乐也随之超越了哥特金属的范畴。

Never-Ending Story

Armies have conquered
And fallen in the end
Kingdoms have risen
Then buried by sand
The Earth is our mother
She gives and she takes
She puts us to sleep
In her light we'll awake
We'll all be forgotten
There's no endless fame
But everything we do
It's never in vain

We're part of a story, part of a tale
We're all on this journey
No one is to stay
Where ever it's going
What is the way?

Forests and deserts
Rivers, blue seas
Mountains and valleys
Nothing here stays
While we think we witness
We are part of the scene
This never-ending story
Where will it lead to?
The earth is our mother
She gives and she takes
But she's also a part
A part of the tale

We're part of a story, part of a tale
We're all on this journey
No one's to stay
Oh where is it going?
What is the way?
We're part of a story, part of a tale
Sometimes beautiful and sometimes insane
No one remembers how it began.
有人这样介绍within temptation: 遥远的,遥远的过去……大地之母将生命与色彩赐予了万物。从此,蔚蓝的河流上有美丽的蝴蝶绚丽舞动。碧绿的山脉上有可爱的鸟儿自由飞翔。她生杀与夺,她以自己的意志行事,她统治着这个世界直到永远。她,化身而为歌者,高唱入云。盛大的键盘氛围与清丽的钢琴音色纠缠壁合,从而渲染出一片悲鸣,凄凉的幻意错觉。凝重的吉他刷扣和快速的双踩连击错落跌宕,进而导入强硬、刚阳的金属主调。细致多样的管弦乐与厚重丰富的交响乐,以及男女合唱团嘹亮的诗唱则为乐曲铺垫上了一层光明,华丽的底子。女主音温暖,明亮的高音唱腔与黑暗的男死腔展开对决,旋律流畅而曲风优美,这就是——Within Temptation,一支近年走势凌厉的荷兰歌特金属团。

Enter by Within Temptation 【1997】(DZ FTP:Sloterdijk/Within Temptation)
01 - Restless
02 - Enter
03 - Pearls of Light
04 - Deep within
05 - Gatekeeper
06 - Grace
07 - Blooded
08 - Candles
The Dance by Within Temptation 【1998】(DZ FTP:Sloterdijk/Within Temptation)
01 - The Dance
02 - Another Day
03 - The Other Half (of Me)
04 - Remix Restless
05 - Remix Candles & Pearls of Light
Mother Earth by Within Temptation 【2001】(DZ FTP:Sloterdijk/Within Temptation)
01 - Mother Earth
02 - Ice Queen
03 - Our Farewell
04 - Caged
05 - The Promise
06 - Never-ending Story
07 - Deceiver of Fools
08 - Intro
09 - Dark Wings
10 - In Perfect Harmony
11 - World of Make Believe