2013-03-24 08:00:00不肖學徒

世界Wiser運動委員會 通知 (03/22/2013)

世界Wiser運動委員會 通知 (03/22/2013)
在就職典禮上,委員和監事們一致認同20121123日無記名投票選出的世界Wiser運動委員會的第一屆主席Vic Yee就職,隨後,Vic Yee主席分別給副主席、秘書長、委員、副秘書長以及各國家Wiser運動委員會的主席和州、省一級的Wiser機構的主席一一授予身份就職徽章,並要求所有各級工作人員努力將Wiser球推廣到全世界,讓所有人類都能享受到Wiser球的利益。
為了更好地推廣Wiser運動,世界Wiser運動委員會已經將總會接待、來信來訪辦公室遷到加州帕薩迪納市,具體地址為:150 E. Colorado Blvd., Suite 202, Pasadena, CA 91105, USA 其餘聯繫方式不變。
世界Wiser 運動委員

Notice of
World Wiser Sport Committee (03/22/2013)
All Wiser sport teams and players who are learning to play Wiser,
The grand inaugural ceremony of the World Wiser Sport Committee’s first-term personnel was solemnly held on March 2, 2013, at its headquarters located in the state of California in the United States. This is the first general assembly of inauguration held in the world by the World Wiser Sport Committee. Representatives of Wiser sport organizations from more than ten countries and regions, including the United States, Canada, China, Thailand, Vietnam, South Africa, Paraguay, Malaysia, Taiwan, and Hong Kong, as well as some representatives from provincial and state levels organizations attended this grand ceremony. They were conferred with their corresponding insignias based on the name of their organizations registered with and approved by the governments at the organizations’ localities. Some diplomatic envoys and other honored guests were present to attend the ceremony and extend their congratulations. Reporters from many news media also came to conduct the interviews to report this grand event.
During the inaugural ceremony, committee members and supervisors unanimously agreed and supported Mr. Vic Yee to take office as the 1st term president of the World Wiser Sport Committee, who was elected to the presidency by anonymous vote on November 23, 2012. Thereafter, Mr. Yee, as the President, then conferred insignia upon the vice presidents, secretary-general, committee members and deputies of the secretary-general. President Yee also conferred insignia upon the presidents of the Wiser sport committees of various countries and the presidents of the Wiser sport organizations at the state and provincial levels. Each insignia conferred represents his or her respective title or position at the organization. In his speech, President Yee urged people working for the Wiser sport at all levels to strive to promote the Wiser sport all over the world so that all of humanity could enjoy the benefits of this sport.
In an effort to better serve the objective of promoting the Wiser sport, the World Wiser Sport Committee has relocated its office for receiving visitors and incoming correspondence to the City of Pasadena in California. The mailing address is:
World Wiser Sport Committee
150 E. Colorado Blvd., Suite 202
Pasadena, CA 91105, USA
All other contact information to reach the World Wiser Sport Committee remains unchanged.
World Wiser Sport Committee
            March 22, 2013