2003-09-02 20:23:54尚未設定






Theoretically the TOEFL score report card will be sent within three weeks, but it kept me waiting for a long long time! Even if it was sent to your home in Taipei, and then sent by your mom, it shouldn’t have kept me waiting for so long…

However, I wish I hadn’t received anything when I received the report card.

Five hundred and ninety. Is this what I had been working for? It was I that swore I will score over six hundred, and I guess I totally let you down now. I am afraid of calling you even more. OF course you will say something to soothe me with a smiling voice: “It’s ok. You are almost six hundred. Try again!!!” I still know you will be disappointed.

Maybe I should have come to know that I was that good. I need to make awful effort to get over six hundred, and maybe I will be always like that!! When faced with the key point, I am always the loser!! How can I possibly talk about giving you happiness? I might probably spend my life here, struggling, without a chance to reach out the world all through my life!!