2004-02-13 10:23:56尚未設定




另一種比較難解釋,就是當我說出︰「你看,滿天都是飛機!滿街都是筆記型電腦!」她就會跟著說出︰「我一秒鐘幾十萬上下,竟然要我跟這個廢物去踢足球!啊,你原諒我講話就是這麼直啊!」更高級一層的,甚至是當我說︰「我名叫 ”漿爆”,我從來沒有放棄成為一個偉大的作曲家的理想…」的時候,她已經會唱︰「Do…..do si do si so…..la me….me so la..re…..」





You hate basketball. I am certain on that!!

I often say there are two kinds of girls that I would choose to be my girlfriend. One is the kind that will call you on a sunny day telling you how pity it is to stay home. The extrovert and sporty type. The other is the kind that when I speak of Stephen Chou’s movie, she can follow the lines.

However, you are neither. Moreover, you not only don’t like basketball, my favorite sport, you hate it! You never came to my game. You hate that kind of girls who don’t really understand basketball, but still sit by the court playing with their dogs. You think that’s stupid. Therefore, every time I had a game, it was time for you to go out with your roommates.

One time I seemed to have told you that I had an important game, which was, if I lost, my last game in college. At that night you were so mad about yourself. You said you sneaked in the game, but I didn’t see you, and you sprained your ankle because you were in high heels. You wanted to dress up for me!

I was so impressed at that time, but not as much as I am overwhelmed by the memory now. You want to change yourself to understand what I like. This is not often seen in girls nowadays. I can only say that whoever stays with you will get nothing but happiness, and that you didn’t ever have to change yourself. I couldn’t love you more!!