2004-01-29 15:23:56尚未設定





第二,預官們通常有一些有別於「服從」的觀點和想法,這是我從小到大一直沒有被交到的。舉例來說,有一回,一位我們的中校長官是意我們去擦窗戶 (在這樣偏僻的營區,而且是後備單位,預官擦窗戶掃廁所並不事件稀奇的事,而這兩樣我當然都做過),我只是二話不說就說好,這時見我的另一位同事若有所思地說,「可是督導有可能會檢查文件檔案,簿茹我們先把公文都處理好在說,…」於是我們就這樣,可以做在辦公室裡「打公文」,我覺得我好像是被訓練來「聽話」的,而我同事則是用來「思考」的,這個差別讓我打擊很大,不過我終於知道我們預官對這個軍隊可以做的最大貢獻是什麼。即使我唯命是從,了不起就做一個很優秀的「少尉小預官」,但是我若是可以進一步去思考整個體制,及方向的問題,我或許可以有另一方面的貢獻。




We are the so-called “wuss” lieutenants. The reason we are wusses is that we are not always ready to obey, and we usually suck physically. That is the stereotypical image I want to break. Therefore, I always do my best to be the best in the training drill, and I am always willing to obey. I didn’t know why this could be so hard for my colleagues, especially when it goes to punctuality.

When we were transferred to Kao-Hsiong, however, I had a chance to share a room with several other university lieutenants. This was when I found something special in them and also learned a lot from them.

First of all, if you are a college graduate, and you wanna be an officer when you are in the army, you have to pass an exam that contains English proficiency test, Contemporary Chinese History, and ancient Chinese. I mean who’s gonna be interested in those!! They are either terribly intelligent or freaky geeks! I mean, they must have a very wide range of interests, and they know a lot about the world. I especially appreciate those who majored in science and passed the exam that is so focused on humanity.

Secondly, other than obedience, they usually have some wild ideas, which I had never been told. For instance, one time I was told to rub the windows. Obviously, it is not uncommon for a lieutenant to do those things such as rubbing windows and washing toilets, which I have done both. While all I could think of is to say yes yes yes, my colleague spoke prudently, “I think the main focus of the coming inspection will be on the paper work. How about letting us do the paper and file work first?” Therefore, we ended up sitting in the office doing the paper work. This was so inspiring to me! I am here not only to obey, but to think! If I obey all the time, the best I can be is maybe a little excellent lieutenant, but if I can think on a supervisor’s point of view, I may be able to make greater contribution!

Thirdly, they are all contentious. Well, I am contentious too. It seemed that they always have a particular reason for that, though. For example, we often work overtime when things were not done, but there was one guy who wouldn’t work overtime, and instead, he always went to bed on time! Isn’t he a jerk? He doesn’t think so. Actually he thought that working overtime is the consequence of inefficient working style. He claimed that he never goofed around during working hours, and contrastively, we always talked and laughed and take breaks, and that’s why he thinks he was actually doing the same thing as we do. It is so much fun talking with him because he always brings you several divergent ideas. I knew several guys like this in the army.

Fourth, they helped me a lot on my preparation of the entrance exams. Although none of them studied Linguistics, they were all able to give me pieces of their advice in terms of Logics, Mathematics, and science. I turned into another guy by talking to those freaks! There was one guy who is a graduate from Cheng-Chi University, and whom I always asked for help when I am puzzled by some questions. He is not know-it-all, and I only had the chance to ask him twice, but I learned how to solve a problem, and independent thinking. That’s the way graduate students think.

Suddenly, graduate schools didn’t seem far from me anymore.