2004-01-13 10:23:56尚未設定






A day before our troop was transferred to Kaohsiung, I went back home to pack my stuff. I had no idea how many more places I would be transferred to then.

Opening my drawer, I found twelve letters that I was able to send you. I was once so hopelessly in love. My love was like those letters, which were hastily locked in the drawer before they could be sent to you. I still don’t know why. My calls were obviously your burden. I could sense it! When I stopped talking, you would naturally end the conversation. The tug of war is no longer fair. Rather it was I that tugged you forward. NO! It’s backward!!!!

The song “what if one day…” could be heard everywhere. It’s kind of telling our story, right? I thought, maybe it is time that we needed, to save us!! What if one day we met in the streets, would you do what you said in your letters, say hey, you look so strange! And I would go: umh, then you look much prettier!!

That is our secret code, isn’t it?