2004-01-12 22:23:56尚未設定

The Troop Moving to KaoHsiung




In accordance with its changing style, our troop has to be moved to Kao-Hsiung! It was not an easy job, and I was glad that I didn’t have to worry about the personnel, the equipment, and the weapons. Only my paraphernalia and my stuff!! Yet my stuff in the office was the most among all the battalion officers.

I came to know that people in different levels have to think very differently, the planners being distinct from the doers. It’s like what Stanley Yian said: “Every CEO or director would like to lead his or her company to the summit. Indeed, who doesn’t want to be a successful leader? However, facing the reports from all the departments can be a big distraction. Good workers being insufficient, financially challenged, the whole company maybe exhausted, too. As a planner, you can’t make this your priority. You have to think even further.”

Did the MBA program in Canada teach you this?