2005-07-23 12:56:55能醫不自醫白勺社工

BWCA trip 2

July 19

So now I m back fm e canoeing trip again, haha, tis time is really a totally diff experience fm last time, diff campers, diff guide, diff route, diff difficulty, diff co-counselor, diff attitude, diff feeling…….

“here & now” is wt I always hv in my mind fm time to time, tis trip I could really experience wt e meaning of “feel like home” is. Last trip our guide Shawn also asked us to share when/ where we hv e feeling of being at home in nature, n my ans was during scuba diving in e deep blue sea, n climbing e highest Mt. in SE Asia – they r nature, but i didn’t really feel I was part of em, I didn’t really un e meaning of “feel like home”. Tis time, however, dunno y, I started to appreciate nature, when I realized tat I m really in it, live w/ it. Canoeing in e Boundary Waters, portaging in e woods, lying on e rock, feeling e breeze, listening to e loons sound, swimming in e lakes, jumping fm e cliff, looking at e sky, watching e sunrise, picking up blueberries……. I was so glad tat I gotta e chance to experience all of these, which I would never hv chance to experience in my previous life, e real nature, w/o fixed by mankind. I felt I m part of em, esp. when I was swimming in e non-polluted lakes, I knew there was wildlife around me, loons swimming in e same lakes, mooses, bears, wolves r hiding somewhere in e woods, we r all animals, drinking e same water fm e same lakes.

When I first heard e route, which seemed to be 10 times more difficult than e one I had in my 1st trip, I wasn’t happy at all cos I noe it would be a v. tiring trip. Last time we only did 1-3 portages/ day, n e longest one was 48rods; tis time, 10 portages a day, n most of em r in 3 digits, god, 300 rods (1 rod = length of 1 canoe), 480 rods, n also 515 rods, portages seemed to be more than paddling, I knew i would die all e way. Luckily, last time 4 ppl 2 canoes, tis time 9 ppl 3 canoes, so each canoe had 1 duffer to rest fm time to time. I was surprised my arms didn’t sore at all. May be cos all were small lakes n e winds weren’t strong at all, n also, we spent half of e day doing portages. These portages, were really new challenges to me, last time got 3 guys in my gp, so I didn’t hv to carry e canoe at all; tis time, no way, I hv to, I even hv to do e 90 rods! But I did it, w/ e help of e other 2 campers helping me to balance e front n e back, I really carried e whole way! E canoe was super heavy, 75 pounds resting on my shoulders, I really wanna die at tat moment, n I swore it would be my last time doing it, but no way, while all e other gal campers hv to do it, I couldn’t escape, so I did it again, a few more portages again. I am really proud of myself, just like wt our guide Matti said, push ourselves to e extreme so we could really do sthg tat we never thought we could be able to do.

I learnt a lot in tis trip. I learnt about diff trees, which I always thought they r e same, birch, white oak, red oak, white pine, red pine, cedar, spruce, willow…… I overcome my weaknesses, picked n then ate berries, lichens fm e woods rite away; jumped to e lake fm e cliff, felt myself as part of e wildlife, part of e nature.

This time, 6 campers, 3 boys + 3 gals, all r 14 yrs old, I was really poor in communicating w/ em well in e first few days, but I m glad tat our relationship kept improving in e trip, esp we switched canoeing partners everyday, so I gotta talk to each of em more n noe about em more everyday.

I hv met e most handsome American guy in my life, our guide Matti, gosh, he looks exactly like Carson fm e “queer eye for e straight guy”, hahahaha, but their voices obviously diff, n also he’s not guy! ^^ I couldn’t leave my eyes fm him cos he is really really super handsome, his blue eyes r super attractive! Also, he is 22, but looks like 15 only, cos he is half “Finish” (???), haha, cos his mom was fm Finland, n he is moving back to Finland in Sept wor……

3 more wks left, suddenly time pass so fast…… ai, tis gp of kids leaving again, so sad tim, another thing I like about tis culture is lots of hugging, really warm, n really helps shorten e distance between ppl……^^