2004-09-20 18:55:42黛比公主

COME ON !!!!!!!!!!

Ooh man!!! Whatz wrong with my leg!!!???
itz been kinda uncomfortable nd weird after comin back here
maybi itz just having homesick = =+
Well tell u da truth itz damn hard to do everything like thiz
i mean with my broken leg...>...<||||
plz get better man..i've got tons of borin classes to attend..

Classes started today..i woke up early in da mornin
i think itz like 7 or 7:10
aniway~ that fuckin' time kills me....< eri day..>

don't wanna use Chinese
don't wanna waste money buying those stupid books

(My internet's still crazy...so thiz's not my comp.)
(hav no pics to put on ~-______-)