2014-08-11 21:13:58Rex Wu




香嵐渓の紅葉は日本の秋を代表する紅葉の名所。4000本以上のモミジが圧巻で知られ­る愛知県の東端に位置する足助町にある。昔から東海地方随一の紅葉の名所として知られ­いる。 足助川と巴川の合流付近にある巴川が侵食してできた渓谷で、巴橋から香嵐橋までの約1­kmをいう。今から370年ほど前に、渓谷の山沿い建つ香積寺の住職が般若心経を唱え­ながらモミジを参道に植えたのが始まり。赤い待月橋を彩るように、渓谷沿いに紅葉が美­しいトンネルを造る。
提供:紅葉便り http://www.hanazakura.jp/autumn/

Autumn in korankei
While Toyota City is known as a world famous automotive industry city located roughly in the center of Aichi Prefecture, it still retains a lot of nature and history.

The best of Korankei is the scarlet maple leaves in autumn. As it is said to be the No.1 place to see colored maple leaves in the Tokai region, it is really outstanding to see 4,000 maple trees that are painted with yellow and red colors. The best time to see them would be in the middle through to the end of November. They are lit up in the evenings throughout November from the sunset to 9:00 p.m. You may enjoy a fantastic scene that is different from the daytime.