2014-04-23 18:53:35Rex Wu

安德烈·波伽利-主禱文(英/台/西班牙語歌詞) Andrea Bocelli-The Lord´s Prayer

Andrea Bocelli-The Lord´s Prayer (lyrics)


Matthew 6:9-13  馬太福音 6:9-13

Our father, which are in heaven  阮在天裡的父,

Hallowed be thy name  願祢的名聖,

Thy kingdom come, thy will be done  祢的國臨到,祢的旨意得成,

On Earth, as it is in Heaven  在地裡親像在天裡。


Give us this day our daily bread  阮的日食,今仔日給阮,

And forgive us our debts,  赦免阮的辜負,

as we forgive our debtors  親像阮亦有赦免辜負阮的人,

And lead us not into temptation,  勿得導阮入於試,

but deliver us from evil  著救阮脫離彼個惡的。


For thy is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory.  


Forever  代代無盡。

Amen  阿們。

2013.08.04 台灣合唱團 維也納‧聖彼得大教堂-主禱文