NTUT Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Management
The NTUT Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Management is published annually by the National Taipei University of Technology (“NTUT”), a national university located in Taipei City, Taiwan. The Journal is run by the Institute of Intellectual Property, an educational organization of the NTUT. The address of the NTUT is No. 1, Sec. 3, Chung-hsiao E. Rd., Taipei City 10608, Taiwan.
The journal welcomes unsolicited articles on all aspects of intellectual property issues. Currently, the journal prefers articles related to American IP laws. But, IP issues related to other jurisdictions are still acceptable.
1. A manuscript has to follow the citation format of The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation. If the citation format for a particular reference is not provided, please give a citation in a form: [Author], [article title], [volume number] [Journal Title] [first page] (publication year), for instance, Zvi Griliches, Patent Statistics as Economic Indicators: A Survey, 8 Journal of Economic Lirerurure 1661, 1661-707 (1990).A list reference is not required.
2. A manuscript is limited to at most 6,000 words, including the main text and footnotes. Potential authors are encouraged to contact Prof. Ping-Hsun Chen for a manuscript template.
3. A manuscript has to include an abstract of at most 300 words and at most five keywords.
4. The authors are responsible for the factual or legal accuracy of their papers. No payment is for contribution. Two copies of the journal will be supplied to the authors free of charge.
5. Manuscripts must be typewritten in English. Electronic submissions are preferred. Please provide Microsoft Word files. Email: cstr@ntut.edu.tw.
Review: Starting from 2013, all manuscripts will be subject to a peer-review process.
Copyright: By submitting manuscripts, all authors shall grant to the National Taipei University of Technology to disseminate their papers through the instruments of the National Taipei University of Technology or other entities.