2006-04-12 01:11:29...小陶...
坐在月亮上 ~ 徐若瑄
夜深人靜 唯我獨自坐在月亮上 想著你
不可思議 月亮竟然如飛箭般把我載到了你懷裏
原來是 一場夢而已 才知道全都是因為我太想你
分隔兩地 地球上我和你
我坐在月亮上 唱你最愛的歌
想知道今天的你 過的好不好
不論你在哪里裏 但我們的靈魂在一起
下了點雨 唯我獨自坐在月亮上 想念著你
有點涼意 街道擁擠月光照在這個城市裏很溫馨
有個人 也站在屋頂是不是也和我一樣的孤零零
也在等待 另一個我和你
Today is full moon ne..
I will be going up to the roof alone...
I want to pray to the moon...
I remembered you said:
"If the moon is the where you live and I can’t be with you,
I will stay on the closest star just to be with you.."
I will wish for you to be close to me,
no matter where, when or how...
Believe that you can... because I trust in you...
I miss you...
夜深人靜 唯我獨自坐在月亮上 想著你
不可思議 月亮竟然如飛箭般把我載到了你懷裏
原來是 一場夢而已 才知道全都是因為我太想你
分隔兩地 地球上我和你
我坐在月亮上 唱你最愛的歌
想知道今天的你 過的好不好
不論你在哪里裏 但我們的靈魂在一起
下了點雨 唯我獨自坐在月亮上 想念著你
有點涼意 街道擁擠月光照在這個城市裏很溫馨
有個人 也站在屋頂是不是也和我一樣的孤零零
也在等待 另一個我和你
Today is full moon ne..
I will be going up to the roof alone...
I want to pray to the moon...
I remembered you said:
"If the moon is the where you live and I can’t be with you,
I will stay on the closest star just to be with you.."
I will wish for you to be close to me,
no matter where, when or how...
Believe that you can... because I trust in you...
I miss you...